Friday, April 27, 2007


Nubia, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

"Yet we all keep trying. We all keep searching - trying to make our dreams and realities become one. I live in the most beautiful state and I am surrounded by skies so big they constantly remind me what a small part of this world I am.... I live in a place where the sun is always shining (unless of course I am trying to do laundry) and I live in a place where everything should be perfect. Because it looks perfect. However it doesnt always feel perfect." --My diary entry, Sept. 4, 2004.

It's amazing to see how much has changed (and how much hasn't) in the 4 years I've lived in Tucson, Arizona. What is even more amazing (and perhaps -- more unbelievable) is how much my life will continue to change (and lack perfection) over the course of this next year.

So here I am. Documenting it through photos.

This will be my life starting just two weeks before graduation in Tucson... and who knows where it will end a year from now. Maybe I'll even learn to accept (and embrace) the imperfections of my life.

16 days until I graduate.

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