Monday, September 17, 2007


Downtown, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Spent a lot of today in downtown Pittsburgh today because of an (apparently) two and a half hour interviewing process with a local bank.

I didn't get to sleep until roughly 4 a.m. last night (though that was HAPPILY my choice) and had to get up at 7 (not-so-happily my choice), so it was a bit of a rough start... but I was fine once I hopped in the shower.

Or at least - I was fine until I was sitting through a 70 MINUTE TEST. Then I was not so fine. I mean, I'm not applying for the FBI or anything... Oh well.

EIther way, my dad went down with me for the interview (I was a bit nervous about getting caught in traffic & missing the appointment) so we grabbed lunch after. I also walked around to a couple of the theaters in the area to grab applications.

Really, I just need money at this point. And I miss my kids at the BOX back in Tucson, so I did it in honor of them.

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