Saturday, October 13, 2007

Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Tonight, after babysitting the rugrats, I spent some time with Lindy who is lucky enough to attend a college that offers a FALL BREAK in the middle of October. I know I'm not in college anymore and I know I'm not even really currently employed - therefore I don't need a break from anything - but still. I'm jealous.

We headed over to her sister Lauren and brother-in-law Fred's house (who I fondly refer to as the 'Hag & the Hub') and I finally got to meet their perfect pup Marley. I can definitely see why Lindy/Lauren/Fred all adore her... I wanted to secretly kidnap him, but I thought it would hurt Jasmine's feeling so I left Marley behind.

The Hag & the Hub decided to skip out on Eat N Park, so Lindy and I gave Regina a call and met her down there. We were pretty much alone in the place, until the senior citizen's production of Showboat overflowed from our old high school auditorium up the street and into our surrounding booths so we didn't stay too long. There's only so much Eat N Park senior citizen sparkle one can take.

But there never seems to be too much Lindy time :)

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