Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Grabbing Treats with My Tricksters

Trick or Treat, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

I haven't been trick or treating since 6th Grade. The last year I went, I went as a gypsy and had a really good time from what I remember. Who doesn't love candy?

But the next day, when I walked into my (new, Christian) school and everyone asked me how my night was... apparently I was in the minority. Halloween was not something to be celebrated and I felt so horrible after that day at school I refused to go ever again.

...until tonight when I helped my cousins and aunt escort a ninja (Quinton), kangaroo (Laken), a Thomas the Tank Engine train conductor (Gage) and a pirate (Liam) up and down the neighborhood streets to collect goodies for the babies' first real Halloween.

It was such an endearing experience... watching those kids I love so much resist going up to their first door, only to realize what happens when they hold out their buckets at those doors. Suddenly they went from being ridiculously shy -- to becoming greedy little monsters!! It was just too cute. I couldn't stop smiling the entire night... it was just the best Halloween ever.

Especially when the pirate puked on me and my leather jacket right before the evening ended... but let's not focus on that!

Afterwards, I spent my last night in West Virginia with Kelli and Gage. Gage was particularly adorable, rolling all over the floor with me, letting me throw him into the air, cuddling with me, taking pictures with me, talking with me. He's at such a fantastic age where he's really learning to have real conversations but still so ridiculously young and endearing. Honestly, I just love that child. And no matter how much time I spend with him, it's never enough.

Then again, I feel that way with all my babies.
Even when they're being little devils...

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