I promised Dana I wouldn't post this picture.
But, at the end of the day, there's really no other pic that expresses the evening of shopping for gifts for my babies more than this picture does.
I know the picture cuts off, but the bib definitely says, "What happens in the potty - stays in the potty." Which made us laugh. Sadly, I didn't get the bib for Liam... I thought he'd appreciate the musical toy I got him more. My goal was to get Laken (who turns 3 on the 15th) a birthday present and Liam a belated birthday present (since I didn't have a job over his actual birthday back in September.) But then I thought there's no way I can show up with gifts for those two and ignore Quinton... and if I got Quinn a small gift, I had to get Gage something small. So Laken & Liam got nice, larger gifts and then I got small $10 gifts for Quinn and Gage.
So much for sticking to buying just for birthdays, so I didn't have to spend so much on them at Christmas.
Hey, I doubt your Friday night was any more fun though.
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