Well, for as antisocial as I was yesterday - I sure made up for it today.
Today was Jamie Barry's first day back in Pittsburgh! My friends will start slowly coming back to the Burgh for break, and my social life will be beautiful again. I can hardly wait. But Jamie was my first reunited outing and I loved every second of our lunch date. By the way, I'm calling it now - she's met the man she's going to marry. I'm calling it now. One more single friend bites the dust. This is starting to get a tad depressing.
Then I stopped by a few places to apply for waitressing jobs. I'm not really wanting a waitressing job, but I'm wanting tips. Either way, I'm needing more money than I'm making and I need to supplement that needed income somehow.
Later on I headed to a bar to meet up and go out with a new guy. It was a fun few hours - more friendish than date-ish though, I think looking back. Which was fine, because against my better judgment Rory ended up coming over to spend time with me.
I say "against my better judgment" because he didn't even make it to my house until 12:15 a.m. and didn't leave until after 2:30... and yes, I had to work the next morning. But it was worth it, in the end, because I like this one and I like spending time with him.
It may not be Manhattan, he may not be Big, and I may be a far cry from Carrie Bradshaw... but there are aspects about my life I like now, and I try the best I can to focus on those and block out how unhappy I am in other areas.
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