So to celebrate La's birthday (which is tomorrow, technically) a couple of the girls went out to drink the night away at Margarita Mama's. And by "drink" I mean... "Beyonce the night away!"
What started out as just me, La, Dana and Lindy though quickly turned into Ringgold High School flashback 2003.
A huge group of kids "my high school group" didn't particularly associate with back then was also there and we ended up having an absurd amount of fun with them. One of those party boys happened to be Miles though, and let me just say... I love Miles when he's intoxicated. LOVE. LOOOOVE!
Although I was DD, I had the best time. I drank a little, danced a lot, laughed too much and met/hung out with some great people. Although, hanging out with one of the sexiest gay boys this side of Pittsburgh did make me blatantly aware of the fact that I am a horrific dancer. But I think Adam was too drunk to care.
And speaking of too drunk to care... from this picture can you pick out who's the drunkest?
....Because if you guessed the birthday girl, you're wrong.
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