Aaron & I had Gage for the morning, so we played "family" and took him to lunch. Honestly, the more time I spend with Gage the more he steals my heart -- and he obviously stole Aaron's too. It was amazing to see how quickly Gage fell in love with Aaron as well. So it definitely made for an interesting day.
Gage: Cuz Kah-wee, is Aaron my cuh-zin teew?
Then we headed down to Morgantown to meet up with Kelli, as soon as she got off from work. We spent the day shopping and walking around, eventually heading to dinner (love the Rio Grande!), then back to Kelli's apartment to hang out before the concert. As excited as I was to see Kelly Clarkson and Reba McEntire in concert -- I was sad to see how quickly our day with Kelli & Gage had slipped away from us. But we had tickets (and I have a STRONG love for my Kelly Clark!) so we drove back down to Morgantown.
The concert was AMAZING. I've always liked Reba okay, but I've never really been a huge fan. But to see her and Kelly (who is always amazing live) perform together was just the best. It was also very different than what I had expected. I sort of thought... at one point Kelly would sing some songs, then Reba would come out. Etc. Etc. But they were always on stage together - either doing duets/covers of other songs, or newly arranged duets of popular songs either singer had made famous. And even if a song was MOSTLY sung by Kelly Clarkson - Reba would sing backup and occasionally come in to sing part of a verse. And Kelly would do the same for Reba. So it was a very unexpected setup... but honestly, the best one they could have done. The concert flowed fantastically...
Best (Expected) Song: Kelly/Reba singing a duet version of "Beautiful Disaster"
Best Song I Didn't Know Prior: Reba's "Sleepin' with the Telephone"
Most-Missed Not-Performed Song: MAYBE! :(
Most-Fun Dance Number: Since You've Been Gone!
Best Surprise: Kelly/Reba singing Patty Griffin's "Up to the Mountain"
(From the American Idol cd, not the concert. Just Kelly.)
All that was needed after the concert was a trip to the bar (LOVED the random bar at WVU we hit up!) and then we picked up food at Pita Pit. Sadly, I was too drunk to realize I had eaten half of Aaron's pita before it was too late... and since he hated the one I got.... he didn't eat half of mine. Woops.
Aaron's WV Pita Pit Consumption: .5 (...if that)
Kari's WV Pita Pit Consumption: 1.5 (...possibly more)
Amazingness of this WV Trip on Scale of 1-10: 8.75
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