So exactly one month to the day that we swore we'd ACTUALLY do dinner sometime after not having seen each other really in four years... Mattie A and I had a hot date out to Uno and the movies. Oh it was scandalous. Riveting. Gossip-filled.
Actually, I just pretty much laughed from the moment he picked me up in his pimped-out ride to the moment he dropped me off. Except for that one part in the middle where he made me sit through Cloverfield. Which was actually a really good movie - just not very laughable. Well except for all the parts where Matt kept jumping because he was scared - that was FREAKING hilarious. (Except, you know, I might have made that part of the night up.)
But after tonight, I've definitely come to the conclusion I need more Matt Adams in my life.*
* FYI I have tons of funny stories/overly witty quotes/good gossip that I'd love to put in this blog. But to protect the innocent (and to better my chances of hanging out with Mattie A again) I guess I have to leave it off the blog. But trust me, if you call and ask, I'll probably tell.
And by "probably," I mean "definitely." ;)
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