Since I had today off, I slept in and spent the afternoon with my sister.
We originally went down to the Waterfront earlier than expected (we were going to meet LaLa for Sweeny Todd at 3) to grab lunch at a Mexican place I wanted to try. Only it was closed.
So then we decided to try this other place my sister had never been to, called "Red, Hot & Blue." But it was closed...
So we finally ended up at PF Changs (where my sister originally begged to go to) and raced through a meal that we really didn't have time for by this point.
We barely made it in time to see the movie (where La was waiting), which was enjoyable. I've enjoyed the other movies I've seen over the holidays more (I Am Legend, Charlie Wilson's War, PS I Love You) but I liked it nonetheless. I'm all for a good musical movie... especially one starring Johnny Depp.
I also enjoyed my sister dying my hair finally... after weeks of begging her to do so. I didn't need to start off the new year with my roots showing.
Note: If you were expecting a somber post of new years resolutions... I decided against it, since I realized I didn't fulfill almost ALL of my resolutions from last year. Oh sure, I graduated... woop-de-doo. Lot of good it's done me with my job hunt, eh? Maybe this year my resolution will be to try harder for last year's resolutions... and to have better luck.
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