It's the first day of February already. Holy hell. How did that happen?
Time passes by too quickly. I keep looking at all the magnets my parents (somewhat embarrassingly) collected from all the different places we've traveled over the years. We don't really go on "family vacations" anymore - and I miss that. I feel like I was just on our first family trip to Arizona... and that was eight and a half years ago.
I miss those couple weeks during the summer where our family would just load up on a bus tour with some touring company and travel around to all these new and interesting places. Places I would have never picked myself to visit sometimes, but places I hold close to my heart.
Arizona, for instance. I had never wanted to go to Arizona until I was there. And then look... I fell in love. Fell in love with everything about it.
I miss that sense of discovering something.
I want a reason to buy a new magnet.
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