Monday, March 24, 2008

Reunited & It Feels So Good

Tonight, I spent time with one of my best friends from middle school, Angela.

I really haven't seen Angela much since August, when I accidently ran into her at Blockbuster. But before that - it has been years since I've seen her, let alone spent time with her. So after texting back and forth for a couple weeks, we made some plans -- just to find time to catch up, you know?

So I hung out with her mom and her daughter, Hailey, who I instantly fell in love with. Hailey and I... were BFFs at first sight. That's the only way to explain it. Then again, most three year olds tend to think I'm the coolest thing next to sliced bread... until they grow up and realize I'm not.

I really should just hang out with the under-4 crowd until I raise my self esteem more. Or at least Hailey and Angela, because I felt pretty good tonight when I was with them. :)

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