I went for a walk in South Park with Angela tonight... and I can't even telling you how refreshing & invigorating the walk was. It was 'round 7 or so when we went, just as the sun was starting to go down... and the sense of calmness I felt in that brief hour walk was something that was long overdue. I seriously think that my mood will improve greatly (it already has) with this change in weather. Winter had been far too long, cold and dark... I'm ready for the light in my life again.
At one point, Angela and I were talking about how there are certain people in our life we usually keep in touch with - try to touch base with every now & then to see how they are, tell them how we are, etc. Yet right now we both feel at such a stand still... we almost don't want to reach out, to update those people, to see where they are, because we don't want to admit where we are in our lives right now. Almost like we're hurrying up - trying to get our lives together - so those people don't see how far we've fallen. Expectations are hard to deal with sometimes.
But at least tonight, things felt so much more hopeful than they have in recent months. I really could get used to these amazing walks in the park.
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