Thursday, May 31, 2007

Even Puppies Have Bad Days

Bad Day, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

This morning was just such a horrible morning at work.

I'm not going in to details - it was just a bad, bad morning at Victor Global.

Lets just say I'd rather post a picture of our dog Jasmine than a picture of me getting yelled at on and off for four hours.

Jasmine looked like she had had it pretty rough too.

We bonded.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Obvious Choice?

Obvious Choices, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Today, Lauren and I brought our workout clothes with us so we could head to the gym as soon as we got off. Thats going to be the plan. Work together all day, then force each other to go to the gym. Its so close to work, so it "works out" (HAHA!) perfectly. No ifs ands or buts. We are working out all summer.

Then I walk into work this morning, only to see two snacks on the back table that my supervisor/team leader had purchased for me and my four other coworkers.

And donuts.

At some point that morning, someone went to the fridge to put the watermelon away. The rest of my coworkers (and okay..... and myself) put the donuts away, so to speak. So much for starting off on the right foot.

It's so hard to make the right choice, even when its right in front of your face. I can't even pick the right snack. How am I ever going to pick the right job?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Working Woman

Working Woman, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Lauren and I signed up for a summer gym membership today.
Goodbye $125. Hello... Carmen Electra-esqueness? HAH.

Don't worry though. We didn't work out. Signing up was enough - we'll start tomorrow. We DID however, stop to get food on the way home since our parents don't always like to feed us. Besides, its helping us to master our multitasking.... like lesson number one that was learned today. Eatting and driving.

So now, pretty much everyday we're going to leave for work at like 7:15 in the morning. And then work til 5. And then grab a quick dinner. And then go to the gym. And then drive home... which probably won't be until at least 7:30. And then I'll go bed.

Me (to LaLa): Wow. My entire photo blog this summer is going to be nothing but pictures of you. You're the only one I'm ever going to see Monday-Friday.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Switching Things Up

Oh how the tables have turned.

When I was in middle school and high school - at times Kristen and I were pressured by our parents into going to youth group weekend camp. And by pressured... I mean I was forced.

I'm not going to lie -- sometimes camp was okay. Other times - not.

I was mainly pressured because it was the same youth group my mom had attended when she was younger. The camps were every Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends. They always ran Friday night - Monday night. By the time you came back, you were always exhausted.

This weekend was a big reunion camp for a bunch of the old youth group members. I didn't have to go... thankfully. But my mom went. So Monday we went up to camp to pick her up. We ended up staying for one of the afternoon speakers and he was relatively interesting. Not the best I've ever heard... but okay.

As we loaded up her sleeping bag and suitcase into the back of the van, I realized how much time has passed, how much I have changed, and how hard it would be for me to go back to the girl I was on those weekends so long ago.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

My Biggest Fans

My Biggest Fans, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

You know.

Not everyone gets as excited about my blog photos as I'd like them to be.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Shower... of Gossip

Nothing like a good, old-fashioned wedding shower to catch up on whats been going on all the good small town gossip. One of my good friends from high school, Lauren Mac, is getting married this summer. But the blog today won't be about her or how beautiful she looked or how nice the shower was. Oh no. It will be about the more important things in life -- GOSSIP!

So Annette, her mom, works at a hair salon right in town and if ANYONE has a pulse on Monongahela, its our NetNet.

Well. There was one story NetNet hadn't heard, and thats because it had just happened the night before the shower. And it basically involves my other friend Lindy's mother. To protect her privacy, I promised I'd refer to her as 'Gerwen Hepp'... haha!

Gerwen: Well last night I had a glass of wine --
Lindy: Uhh, you had three, Mom.
Gerwen: Oh. Fine. So I had three glasses of wine....

Long story short, Gerwen drank too much.

She ended up spending the night passed out on her bathroom floor because "she wasn't feeling well." Lindy eventually stumbled upstairs and brought pillows and blankets and slept next to her mom... who was next to the toilet.

Gerwen: And then in the middle of the night my husband, the gimp, tries to go to the bathroom but he can't get his walker past us.

NetNet, suffice it to say, LOVED the story.

As did I.

Friday, May 25, 2007

R.I.P. Rosie

R.I.P. Rosie, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

From Rosie O'Donnell's blog:

when painting
there is a point
u must step away from the canvas
as the work
is done

anymore would take away

R.I.P. Best Season the View Has Ever Seen
Rosie - Hopefully see you on your OWN show come Fall 2008!

Elisabitch, as Perezhilton refers to her, can go die now. Or stay around to suffer as the rating drop. I'm just sad Joy Behar might have to go down with the ship too.

**I'm cheating, since today is a NATIONAL DAY OF MOURNING for me and all the other Rosie fans out there. This photo was taken back in August, during our trip to NY. Before there was any paint on the canvas.**

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Stomach Grumblings

Day Two at 'Victor Global.'
First full day. 8-5.

As much as I hate getting up at 6 a.m. and basically not getting home until 6 p.m. -- as much as I hate being an insecure office bitch -- as much as I wish I was in NYC or Chicago right now with a real job and a real adult life starting up...

I have to admit, its nice to know that at the end of the day, when I do make it home... that my parents will have prepared some sort of food.

I was STARVING when La and I were driving home today. Sooo hungry. I really didn't even care what my parents had made -- as long as I could consume it upon arrival.

Then on the way home. My mom calls. They "assumed" I'd grab food on the way home and so they didn't save me anything. They ate it all.

The first photo is what my parents offered to feed me on my first FULL day of adult work.

The second, is what Lauren's mom offered me.

Mmmmmm... meatloaf.
Just like my ideal mom (ROSEANNE!) would have done.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Office Space: Real World Edition

Me: I LOVED Office Space as a movie... not as my life.

Today was my first day at my new job. I'd name the company, but considering I had to read an entire BINDER of things I can and cannot do... and one of them HAPPENED to discourage mentioning the company on personal blogs... I guess I won't then.

So for fun, we are going to refer to my current office job as "Victor Global." I'm sure La will get a kick out of that, since she's also working there (and the one that got me the job.) Thanks, Lauren!

So. Victor Global basically moves big businesses and big people all around the world. But we don't actually move anything. We just hire people to move other people. Or so... I think that's what we do. I'm not quite sure. I was confused alot today. I know there's a lot of paperwork involved. And a lot of rich, mean people.

But yeah. Today I was interviewed -- and then they actually started my training right away. Nothing like jumping in with both feet. I'll be doing a lot of bitch work at first from what La tells me, but at least its Monday - Friday, 8-5 with an hour lunch break. 40 hours a week.

And need I say more than I have my own cubicle...

COMPLETE with my very own personal stapler?

Milton Waddams: [talking on the phone] And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Oopsy-Daisy, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

I dedicated my day to my Grandma today.

She's your typical church-goin, flower-plantin, loves-all-things-sweet Grandma. But she has an impossible time getting around now. Just getting her out to Wal-Mart is exhausting.. and she's pretty tired too by the end of the trip... Ha. Ha. Ohhh.

Anyway, today I had promised to take her grocery shopping and help her plant all of her flowers around her house. But in true Grandma form, she can't just take any of the flowers within a reasonable distance. She has to go for the ones on the far edge of the flower display -- off of the sidewalk and down through the grass/dirt hill.

Let's do the math.

Grandma + bad balance + wobbly cane + dirty/rocky hill = BAD

Me: Grandma. I swear. If you fall, this isn't my fault.
Grandma: (Wobbling ahead of me) Oh I won't fall.
Grandma: Well I won't this time. (Wobble. Wobble.)

This picture was me chasing after her. I swear, for someone who has such a hard time moving, I kept losing her.

Another random Grandma highlight/frustration --

Grandma: (while driving her home) Well. I heard you want to be a boozin' bride.
Me: I wish you'd stop talking to Mom.

Monday, May 21, 2007

No Longer a Student, Forever an Alum

Yes. This was one of the highlights of my day --
Changing my facebook education stats from "Undergrad" to "Alum."

It's going to be a long, long 4-6 months in Finleyville at this rate.

I accidently slept til 1 today, when my dad came home and threw open the door because he couldn't believe I was still sleeping.

I can't even say it's because I stayed up til 4 (like I did on Friday.)

I went to bed at midnight last night.
So yes. I am capable of sleeping for 13 hours straight.

I need to get a job (two jobs) a.s.a.p.

speechlessxx (10:03:35 PM): you should give me credit in your blog entry for telling you HOW to change your status to alumni!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

New Car/New Lesson

So my dad got a new car this weekend and as a graduation gift, he's giving me his old one.

He now drives his 2008 Corolla LE and I'm driving his 2001 Alero.

Today he decided to take me out and 'teach me a few things about cars' which was really... quite the uncomfortable experience. But now I have a car that is supposedly mine, so I guess I could listen to him ramble on for 30 minutes or so.

The picture would be him showing me how to use cruise control.

Like I said -- I guess since he is giving me his car (which is in really good condition) -- I could let him pretend that I have no idea what cruise control is...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Play Ball!

Play Ball!, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Tonight my dad, Aunt Greta, cousin Quinton and I all went downtown to watch our first Pittsburgh Pirates game of the season. Quinton and my aunt are from a really small town near Morgantown, West Virginia so we don't get to see him that often -- especially up here.

It was Quinton's first Pirates game (and first time in downtown Pittsburgh, really) and he was extremely excited.

Little did we know the 8-year-old was capable of talking through all nine innings. He's DEFINITELY a member of our family.

Me: Who's your favorite uncle?
Quinton: (pauses) Uncle Paul.
Me: Who are your other uncles?
Quinton: (pauses even longer) I don't know.
Me: Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill is your other uncle.
Quinton: Oh. Then definitely Uncle Paul.
Me: (laughing) Why do you say that?
Quinton: Cause Uncle Bill's way too silly.
Me: Alright. Fine. Who has more hair?
Quinton: (very quickly, while laughing) UNCLE PAUL!
Me: Who has a bigger belly?
Quinton: (matter-of-factly) Uncle Bill!
Me: Who has the smaller belly? Uncle Bill, Uncle Paul or Ma-Ma (Aunt Greta)?
Quinton: (laughing so hard he can't speak) Uncle Paul!!!

I'd like to take this moment to say my Aunt Greta has a MUCH, MUCH smaller stomach than my father. He's got a good 60 or 70 pounds on her at least.

I didn't have the heart to tell her why Quinn was laughing when she asked.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Goodbye Sidney

Goodbye Sidney, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Old Navy Lauren's bunny, Sidney, is moving to NYC.
I guess that means my friend is leaving too.

I could write a big blog about how sad I am to see her leave -- how much fun I had at the bar last night with her, Candi, Ed, Mike and Katie (all Old Navy loves of my life) -- how hard it was for me to hug her goodbye at the end of the night.

But I'd rather write about Sidney. Because he's just a baby. A bunny. He can't get behind the wheel and drive to Pittsburgh when he misses all of us. Our entire relationship is up to me. His feet might be big, but they can't reach the pedals.

Lauren -- however -- I fully expect to drive back at some point.

And hopefully, I'll have at least ONE exciting job interview in NYC this summer that will cause me to drive up and... well... be interviewed.

And if I get to see Sidney in the process, at least I know that trip will have been worth it, no matter what the outcome.

Sidney, I'll miss you. But hopefully I won't have to miss your mommy as much.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

(Hopefully Not) Pap's (Last) Birthday

Pap, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

My dad and grandpap share the same birthday.
My dad turned 57 today, my pap 94.

I took our dog Jasmine over to visit Pap on his birthday for a little bit but was surprised when my dad said he wasn't going with me. His argument was that his brother (my uncle) had already been in for the past two days visiting him and his sister (my aunt) had already been over that day. He wanted a day off since my dad is basically my Pap's caretaker for the past decade with my uncle & aunt both being out of state.

Me: Are you SERIOUSLY not going to stop by the nursing home?
Dad: No. I'm not going.
Me: SERIOUSLY? It's his 94th birthday!
Dad: It's my birthday too.
Me: But he's 94 -- this could be his LAST birthday.
Dad: I've been saying that since 1994 and he's still here.
Me: Well. Its officially going to be his last birthday now that you've said that.


Jasmine and I didn't even end up staying too long at the nursing home because a) Jasmine was having a heart attack over every single person that passed the door and b) I still don't think Pap realized who I was or what side of the family I was associated with.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Typical (Ellen) Situation

Phoenix Airport, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

I spent a lot of time trying not to cry today. Saying goodbye to Elisa this morning was so ridiculously hard.. and taking my last walk around campus just broke my heart.

There were moments of laughter though -- whether my parents meant for there to be or not.

Me: Have you ever seen Ellen's HBO comedy specials? Every time I walk on one of these moving sidewalks at the airport, I honestly start to laugh.
Aunt Greta: Why?
Me: She talks about how when you walk on them while they're moving... you feel like a bionic woman! You are just WHIPPIN' past everyone. ....and then there are the people that just ride them around the airport, never taking a step forward. She jokes that it "makes you wonder how they ever get anywhere."

We both laughed and then simultaneously my aunt and I looked behind us.

Its hard to see -- but my mom is the blue dot in the middle of this picture -- way far down the walkway behind us.

Apparently my mom and dad are moving-sidewalk-riders. We had to wait for them to be carried across the terminal, before we could move on to our gate.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Two Favorite Girls -- Forever.

My Girls, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

"Kiss today goodbye, the sweetness & the sorrow.
Wish me luck, the same to you.
But I can't regret what I did for love, what I did for love.
Look my eyes are dry, the gift was ours to borrow;
It's as if we always knew.
And I won't forget what I did for love, what I did for love.
Gone is never gone.
As we travel on -- love's what we'll remember..."
A Chorus Line

I know I didn't... but I feel like I've just lost my two best friends.

I'm really, really, really not good at goodbyes. In fact, the only reason I'm not crying right now is because I honestly don't think its hit me yet.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Last Hoorahhh

Last Hoorahhh, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Our last night out on 4th Avenue... and we ended up staying at Che's the whole night.

It ended up being one of the best nights I've had on 4th. It was the perfect end to all the stumbling, laughter and booze that we've spent walking up and down those blocks, meeting and running into people everywhere.

The night before had been Matt's power hour (and our last trip to the Meet Rack). Tonight was not only another night out for him... but for us Arizona girls, our friends and all of our memories as well.

Holly and Dom also stopped by for awhile. AND none other than my freshman roommate Frances, who I haven't seen since sophomore year. It was so good to see her and so weird to think of how much time has passed. But since I've already had enough sappy entries for these recent days, I'll try to hold back with this one.

All I know is that by the end of the night -- we had discussed what historical figures we would sleep with, held a mini photo shoot and boob contest and Anna's twin sister Rachel spurted out all kinds of fun things I'm sure Anna would have rather her kept quiet about... like Anna's infatuation with Zac Hanson (MMMBop!)

And (as usual) before we knew it ... it was last call.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

There Is No Arizona

The day after graduation was filled with goodbyes as well.

I spent the whole morning/afternoon with Matt, my sister, my parents and my aunt out in the desert -- taking it all in one last time. We ended up back at Old Tucson Studios for what was probably my 7th or 8th visit. It's really ridiculous how many times I've ended up there over the years... but its fun nonetheless, depending on who you're with.

Maybe it seems boring -- especially to people who have lived out here for years -- but really, I love driving around and exploring the desert. I find it endlessly beautiful... its the reason I wanted to move here in the first place over eight years ago. It *IS* the reason I moved here four years ago.

Luckily for me, I'm not the girl I was when I first came here. And hopefully -- I'll never have to be her again.

The desert/this movie/my life here hasn't solved everything, but its definitely healed and strengthened alot of things inside of me.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

In the sway of somber music.

Finally. The end., originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Take me in my dreams recurring,
Cheerful as a childhood dance.
Into one more taste of freedom,
One more longing backward glance.


Arizona has always been my Nubia.
And today I graduated. Again.

Because my parents felt they helped pay for an out-of-state college and flew all the way out here for graduation -- I (like many of my friends) had to sit through two graduations. The one yesterday -- downtown -- and then the huge ceremony at McKale on campus.

The best part about this graduation though was that I got to sit next to my friends, since there wasn't assigned seating like Friday's ceremony. You just had to stay with your college, sit with your college and stand up with your college.

I sat next to Nicole, Amanda, Anthony and Anna... as well as Holly who was right next to me the entire time.

Which was fitting -- since she was my very first friend in Arizona.

I'll never forget the first day of class freshman year when I was wandering through Harvill, trying to find my first English 101 class. Harvill is a HORRIFICALLY confusing building for freshman because the halls and rooms are so messed up, with even numbered rooms on one side of the building and odd numbered rooms on the other.

I remember this girl and I running into each other as each of us asked the other if we both knew where a certain room was... we were both running late. Which is traumatic for a college freshman.

Surprisingly enough, we were both looking for the same room. We then found that class together, walked in its doors together, sat down together and hated that entire class together.

Then we enjoyed the next four years together, before we sat next to each other at our own college graduation.

Arizona has given me so much these past four years. I could go on and on about everything I felt on Saturday and everything that ran through my mind (I felt like I wanted to puke the entire time/I wondered if I really was ready to leave Arizona.)

But I know at the end of the day, its not what I'm going to want to remember.

What I'll want to remember -- what I'll always remember -- are the friends that I have made and loved here. And the friends that are breaking my heart as I have to say goodbye.

We were just freshman -- now, we're just unemployed.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Class of 2007

Class of 2007, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

You know you're a graduate of 2007 when the entire slew of undergrads are on the floor at graduation texting/calling their parents from their cellphones so they can find them in the audience.

I'm not going to lie. I pretty much texted throughout the entire ceremony. With all the names that had to be called out at the Social & Behavioral Sciences graduation... I needed something to keep my mind off of everything that was happening.

I sent picture messages to friends and family, texted with Matt who was somewhat-close to me in the audience and just basically acted like everyone else in the audience acted -- as if this really wasn't a huge step in our lives. I think we're all in denial -- hell, most of the journalism kids I know are jobless. We're graduating to our parents couches, basically.

Not going to lie, I'm a semi-emotional wreck this week, as I'm sure many people are.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Graduation -- In Typical Kristen Fashion

Of course, Kristen couldn't graduate college without something hilariously embarrassing happening to her.

There we were at the Speech and Hearing Sciences graduation, watching the graduates line up to accept their fake diplomas. Kristen -- since her last name starts with a "W" and its a small department -- was at the very end of the line of undergrads.

We wait through everyone else's proud moment -- and finally we can see our 6' baby (not including her heels!) is almost there.

RIGHT as Kristen was the last person ready to walk up -- one of the professors (not in the picture) stops the ceremony to talk about two other girls and how essential they are to the department.

The entire crowd sits there laughing/mortified because Kristen is standing there awkward as ever -- as anyone would have. The professor to the right of this picture is also uncomfortable because he realizes this is the worst possible timing to stop the ceremony.

Eventually, the other professor stopped praising the other girls in the department, had the mic ripped from her hand, and Kristen graduated to more applause than anyone else in the department.

I wish I had a better picture of this moment -- I realize the quality is terrible.

The thing is, I pulled this semi-shitty image from my video-capture... being as I have the entire incident on video.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

!!!! He's Here !!!!

....And the rollercoaster ride has begun.

We're in. We're buckled down. We're starting to roll.

With Matt's (glorious) arrival to Tucson... everything is going to start to happen very, very fast.

Tomorrow's the first giant hill of the ride -- last final/presentation, last lunch with Momma May, Kristen's graduation....

And the arrival of my parents, aunt and sister.

Ready or not. We're climbing fast.
But at least we're laughing the whole way.

Allison: When I see hot boys with ugly girls I have two emotions. Pissed off... and hopeful!

***This post in no way implies that Matt is a hot boy and I'm am ugly girl. How dare you for thinking that!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Come on Petra! We're taking photos!

Petra: (laying down next to me & Marisa) Do I get to show my titties?

If anything, I think that sums up my last two years working at the BOX.

And since today was my last day -- it was only fitting that it was more funny than sad. Although it was super sad for me in a lot of ways, it was too much fun at the same time. Its hard to be sad when you work with the people I have had the pleasure of working with everyday for the past two years.

It's also hard to be sad when they buy you pizza and cake and make you a delicious homemade bean dip! Haha. I mean, they threw a freaking PARTY they were so happy I was leaving! ;o)

You know, when I started the job back in August 2005, I knew I'd probably like it alot. I knew I'd love the shows that came with it and the setting. It's theater and music and dance -- really, whats not to love? I figured I'd probably like the people I worked with too.

I had no idea how much personality and passion and humor they'd all have though. And the way they made me smile everyday -- I think thats what I'll miss the most.

That and Petra's "sexy dance" in the box office.

Monday, May 7, 2007

"Take these chances--place them in a box until a quieter time."

My entire day was completely shifted because of how it originally started.

The first three hours of May 7, 2007 were spent packing my life in Arizona up and throwing it into basically three piles -- ship it, donate it, trash it.

There was a lot of 'trashing it' that got done from my closet and couple shelves alone--seven huge garbage bags, to be exact. I have acquired way too much stuff in Arizona.

I eventually got to a stopping point, watched two episodes of Brothers & Sisters (oops) and went to sleep for about three hours before I had to get up again. I worked all day. I had lunch with Matt G. I worked some more. I napped.

And now here I am, ready to start packing some more, and I can't get over how unbelievable depressed it makes me feel.

On a side note --

Who I'd like to speak at graduation... and who really IS speaking at graduation.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

This is What 'Not Packing' Looks Like

Beautiful Sky, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

As you can plainly see, I'm procrastinating. Those would be the lovely flower bushes that tower over our fenced-in patio. They make a really lovely backdrop when you're lying out, trying to tan.

Unfortunately this photo does not depict anything I SHOULD be doing today.

I SHOULD be packing/cleaning the house up.
I SHOULD be finishing my last paper/presentation.
I SHOULD be doing laundry.
I SHOULD be exercising -- or at least not eating the house.
I SHOULD be spending time with friends I'll be leaving next week.

I woke up around 11.
And laid outside in the sun til 2:00.
Then I played around online a bit.
I showered.
And now I'm going to nap.
Eventually, I'll go to dinner.

Once I start packing, the moving becomes real.
Maybe I'll start accepting it sometime after dinner...
Then again, maybe not.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Perfect Afternoon

I spent the most perfect afternoon in Phoenix floating down the Salt River on tubes with Allison, Rob, Kristen and Alcohol. The most PERFECT afternoon.

It wasn't as hot as it had been recently, but after awhile you got used to the water. And honestly, once you really took a moment to look around at everything surrounding you -- I know I don't think there's any other way I'd rather spend a day in Arizona.

Sadly, it was my first and (probably) last time doing it since I graduate next weekend and I have no idea when I'll be back in Arizona. I can't believe we hadn't done it before.

There's no picture posted (yet) with this entry, but hopefully there will be one coming. We took tons of photos -- 30-some to be exact -- but since we were on the water they had to be taken with a waterproof camera. It's been a LONG time since I've used a disposable camera... and Allison has it so hopefully it will get developed sometime in this lifetime. ;) I hope at least SOME of the pictures came out okay.

But yesterday was definitely one of those days I'll relive in my head over and over again when I'm back on the East Coast somewhere, freezing in the middle of January.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Customer Service at It's... Weirdest

Tonight -- Holly, Karla, Anna and I tried to go out for dinner. Sounded simple enough. Maybe we'd even catch a movie later. But dinner first... and not even anywhere too crazy. Red Lobster. Easy, right?

Apparently. Not.

I made the mistake of asking our waiter if we could move to a booth. We had been seated at a four-person table under the most ridiculously bright lamp I've ever seen in any restaurant anywhere. It was definitely a little warm in the restaurant because of the lamp.

And plus, Anna and I felt like we were under interrogation. So we (okay -- *I*) asked to be moved. But no. That was too difficult. Instead, our waiter proceeded to stuff menus into the lamp above us.

At first, the menus didn't fit. They were just too big. Then again, it wasn't their fault. It's not like they were created with this purpose in mind.

Then the waiter disappeared and came back with smaller menus, which unfortunately fit. That blocked out some of the light -- but he even made a joke telling us, "Let me know if anything catches on fire!"

Within a few minutes he was back at our table. (Honestly, there were times during this meal it felt like he'd just never go away.) Maybe this *was* too much of a safety hazard, he thought. He then took the menus out of the lamp... and his bright idea was to use aluminum foil instead.

Piece by piece, he stuffed them into the lamp in order to block the light out. By the time he was done, we were incredibly uncomfortable. People were laughing at us from other tables, the waiter had over stayed his waiter-at-table welcome, Holly was mortified. We almost had this mini relationship going on with our waiter, he was at the table so much... a relationship that's weird and uncomfortable and unwanted, mind you.

Us: We are so, so, so sorry you have to do all of this...
Waiter: (stuffing the lamp) I'm not doing it to kiss your guys asses or anything.

Finally, he left our table.

Only we tried to continue with our meal and... now, it was incredibly too dark.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Last (Satisfied) UMart Customer

Tonight was the end of an era. Hah.

Another chapter on my life in Tucson has come to a close. I am no longer an employee of the UMart, a convience store in the student union.

I started there in January of my freshman year.... and here I am, 3.5 years later saying goodbye. Even though in recent semesters, my shifts dwindled down to one or two a week, I stayed mainly for social reasons. Social reasons... and the fact that I hate quitting jobs. I hate cutting ties.

And now the UMart tie has been cut.

I definitely won't miss the bitch work that came along with the job -- restocking the fridge, refilling the spoons, scrubbing the hot dog machine, mopping, SCOOPING ROCK HARD ICE CREAM... etc... but I will miss (some of) the people.

I took a gazillion photos tonight and really went back and forth on which to post -- but when it came to choosing -- I chose the one posted above.

The girl in the photo was my very last UMart customer.

...And then I clocked out. For good.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Anna's Milkshake...

This would be Anna's butt. Otherwise known as her Milkshake.

That would be Anna, bent over slightly at Che's last night, talking to some guy. Honestly, I can't even remember if she knew him or not. I think she did... which probably made this slightly more embarrassing for her.

Throughout her entire conversation, Kristen & Anthony proceeded to poke her in the quote-unquote Milkshake. Then I proceeded to photograph it.

Anna: WHAT are you guys doing!

I also would like to point out that Anthony's eye being black & blue has nothing to do with our night out. To be honest, I didn't even realize it looked like that til halfway through the night.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

R.I.P. RPA... & Nintzy

The Nintz is perhaps the greatest professor we've experienced in our two years in the Journalism Department since Poppa Morlock and Pappy. He just doesn't bullshit, especially when it came down to our Reporting Public Affairs class. He got right down to the important things... usually the gossip of the city officals or tales of his dog, Cricket.

Just let it be known that at the end of the semester, no one could tell him how many people were on the City Council... and we had attended several of their meetings.

Anyway -- Nintzy, being true to his character, held our last RPA class at Gentle Ben's Brewery. God Bless his heart.

We'll miss our weekly meeting with the old man.

And now -- In Memoriam:

Student: Are we going to fail?
Nintz: Hey -- NO child left behind. I may have to carry you on my shoulders, but I'm getting you all out of here!

Student: (In reference to John Edwards' $400 haircut) But he has really nice hair!

Nintz's SN (11:20:39 PM): I love the slut days.