Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Obvious Choice?

Obvious Choices, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Today, Lauren and I brought our workout clothes with us so we could head to the gym as soon as we got off. Thats going to be the plan. Work together all day, then force each other to go to the gym. Its so close to work, so it "works out" (HAHA!) perfectly. No ifs ands or buts. We are working out all summer.

Then I walk into work this morning, only to see two snacks on the back table that my supervisor/team leader had purchased for me and my four other coworkers.

And donuts.

At some point that morning, someone went to the fridge to put the watermelon away. The rest of my coworkers (and okay..... and myself) put the donuts away, so to speak. So much for starting off on the right foot.

It's so hard to make the right choice, even when its right in front of your face. I can't even pick the right snack. How am I ever going to pick the right job?

1 comment:

Anna Apocalypse said...

I think it's a little bit easier to apply for and choose the right job than to try and avoid junk food, haha. Plus, as your fellow NYC buddy/fiance, I'm always here to help you out! :)