So I was told if I didn't post these on the blog, Lauren was going to take credit for the idea and post them on myspace/facebook.
And since I'm all about copyrights and taking credit when credit is due, I figured I might as well blog about it.
The thing is, now that La and I aren't just friends -- we're 8-5 coworkers, carpoolers and gym Chub Club buddies -- we're spending a ridiculous amount of time together. Almost to the point of obsession... but at times, paid obsession, so its still somewhat healthy.
One day last week while on our lunch break, I was playing with her phone and took an "exhausted" photo of myself. Then I realized I could put that photo into a heart that says "I Love You."* THEN I realized I could add the text "Soulmates!"* to it all.... all while still on her cell!
Needless to say, its now not only my caller-ID pic, but her wallpaper.
Later that night, she sent me one of herself to use for mine.
At least its nice to know my feelings are returned.*
*Anna Deem, you are to completely disregard this blog. I'm still madly in love with you. Lauren's just a summer fling. But you... are my eternal flame. PLEASE DONT MAKE ME SLEEP ON THE COUCH!
As long as she's only your soulmate and not your fiance too! Haha
Don't worry, I know we'll be together forever!
Uh, and not just THESE photos, Kari Anne! I'm still awaiting the "annoyed Eat n Park Miles and Me" and "Me with lettuce falling out of my mouth" pictures to find their way onto Facebook as well....
You should really be taking advantage of this. How often does a person persistently BEG you to put unflattering photos of herself all over the internet?
BTW - my security word that I just had to type in here so that I could post my comment was "taurdy". And that sounded to me like something Eddie Bauer would say. Hehe.
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