Sunday, August 12, 2007

Girls Become Lovers, Who Turn into Mothers

In case you were wondering, its completely impossible to get all Shaffer granddaughters and their children looking at the camera at the exact same time.

Today, we had a huge family dinner up at Glisan's Restaurant in Farmington, PA to celebrate my college graduation and my sister's graduation from beauty school.

Both sides of the family were present -- and most family members actually made it. We had 25 people there total, which is insane for our family. All of the Smith granddaughters were there, as well as all of the Shaffer granddaughters, except for Tammy who lives in Georgia. We joked we'd just photo-shop her in later.

It was so nice to have so much family so close together. We probably won't have both sides of the family together again until either Lauren or I get married... but you know, it's true, you learn to appreciate your family a lot more as you get older.

I've always loved my cousins, but now I realize just how much.

Then again, it might have something to do with their babies.
Who knows. ;o)

1 comment:

Haard said...

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