Monday, August 27, 2007

Sometimes Cuz Kah-wee's Mean

Today was a long, but ridiculously fun day.

I kept planning on leaving West Virginia, but didn't actually leave til 7:30 tonight. I played with the kids in the morning, went to lunch with my aunt in town (....and Amy, Laken and Liam, haha.) Then I babysat Laken & Liam this afternoon while Amy went to some teacher meeting at Quinton's school.

Later that afternoon, Quinton came home from his first day of school, Kelli brought Gage over and my aunt stopped by. We were all just hanging out at Amy's - a full house, complete with Jarion (Amy's husband, Laken/Liam's dad) actually home; he's in the military and usually away when I come to visit. The house was packed with kids and noise... and I couldn't stop smiling.

Especially once we put this one stupid toy on Liam's head. It made him cry, but it was just too damn funny to not photograph. (Yes, sometimes I'm the mean cousin, but for the most part they DO adore me.)

Then later tonight, I stopped by Kelli's a bit for some one-on-one time with Gage and Kelli before I left for PA. I really enjoy talking to my cousin... especially since I feel even closer to her now than I did when we were younger. And boy, did I idolize her when I was younger.

Kelli Jo told me tonight that she's really, really happy I'm able to come down so much, even if I'm not really happy with where I am at this point in my life. But you know something? All the precious moments I've experienced this summer with those kids are ones I'd never go back and give up -- even if it meant having my dream life in some other city.

In whatever time I have here, I'm going to do my best to make sure that those kids not only know who I am -- but just how much I love them.

1 comment:

annalisa said...

ohhhhh kari, we both need the magic job fairy to land us jobs... and apartments...
