Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Big Fish

Big Fish, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

To further my sense of confusion & sadness, I have watched Big Fish two times in the past 24 hours. I first saw the movie when it came out around Christmas 2003. I went with an old friend & coworker from Old Navy, Jess, and we saw that movie just after my Pap had passed away.

The scene in the hospital, near the end of the movie, always brings me to tears. That moment was so raw and fresh to me - being I had just lost my Pap and had been at his bedside hours before he died.

I always watch it hoping to feel better about my view on life - I often see a lot of myself in Edward Bloom - wanting so much from his life when everyone else expect so much, and yet so little. But in the end, I always get caught up in the little moments of the movie and lose myself to my tears.

It's one of my favorite movies of all time.

. . . . . .

Young Ed Bloom: Who is she? Where does she live?
Amos Calloway: Forget it kid, don't waste your time. She's out of your league.
Young Ed Bloom: What do you mean? You don't even know me.
Amos Calloway: Sure I do! You were hot shit back in Hickville, but here in the real world, you got squat! You don't have a plan, you don't have a job, you don't have anything except the clothes on your back. You were a big fish in a small pond, but this here is the ocean and your drownin'. Take my advice, go back to Puddleville; you'll be happy there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw, I can see our AIM convo! Haha, we're SO cool.