Thursday, October 18, 2007

We Can Never Go Back to Before

Had a nice lunch and catch-up session with two of my favorite coworkers from Victor Global, Tanya and Ashley. I haven't seen either of them since my last day of work back in August so it was really, really nice to catch up on all of the work gossip I've missed out on and go back to my favorite lunch-break buffet.

Sadly, La is still out at school in Indiana and (obviously) couldn't join us. But I ate an extra garlic wing in her memory. She would have wanted it that way.

It's hard to believe it's been over two months since I worked with these girls. But thats not nearly as hard to believe as how BROKE I am, compared to two months ago when I was still WORKING. I am supposed to be starting at Old Navy next week... and if I don't, I may just die.

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