Monday, December 17, 2007

Too Much Alcohol + No Tolerance =

So it's come to my attention I am no longer the college kid I once was. I apparently have no tolerance for alcohol anymore. 3 beers, 2 long islands, 1 jager bomb shot and 1 buttery nipple shot over an hour and a half is much, much too much for this girl anymore.

And I think Rory found out he has less tolerance than he really needs to deal with a drunk Kari. Please note the fact that I look wide awake and insane and he just looks.... tired.

Then I made him drive to Wal-Mart at 3 in the morning to buy the Simpsons movie, which he put into the DVD player when we got home. I don't remember a damn thing however, because I fell asleep as soon as I hit the couch.

Good thing I didn't have to work on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm, WAIT. 3 beers, 2 Long Islands, 1 jager bomb, and 1 buttery nipple = no tolerance??? Does that mean you USED to be able to handle all of that in an hour and a half?

Well it's a good thing you're out of college now. Because apparently you were an ALCOHOLIC before. Holy shit.

An hour and a half?!?!?