As exhausted as I was, as much as I wanted to sleep all day and forget the world, as much as I couldn't fathom getting behind the wheel at 9 a.m. and driving to West Virginia with my Great Aunt Betty.... I am so glad I went down to be there for the afternoon...
And that I was present for Gage Michael's Thomas the Tank Engine Burger King Birthday Bash. Besides, you only turn three once and since I met him the night he was born -- it's only fair that I get some cake out of the deal. ;) Especially when it's Thomas the Tank Engine cake.
It was just so, so good to see the kids - who I surprisingly haven't seen in two months. That's the longest I've gone without seeing them since the beginning of summer and I'm shocked at how quickly time has slipped away from me. But with the second job, traveling to Ohio for Presidents Day Weekend and other things going on - I just didn't have the chance to go down. But with the weather changing, that needs to change because I completely ached when I saw how big they have gotten without me. And when I swooped Gage up in a hug when I saw him, he completely melted my heart.
Me: Gage I missed you.
Gage: (kisses me on lips) Oh I missed you sooo much Cuzin Kahwee!
I couldn't get enough of Laken, Liam and Quinton either. I kept grabbing Baby Liam every single time he walked/ran/waddled past me, tickling Laken the second he wasn't smiling and hugging Quinton every time he glanced at me. I dreaded the end of the party... but sadly, all parties end.
Right before it did though, I took some time to lay down on the floor next to Gage (right there in Burger King!) and let him show me some of his new Thomas toys he had gotten for his brithday.
Matt's Friend Across Room: (as he was leaving) Hey Gage can you come...
By this point in my life though, I'm pretty much convinced I'll never find anyone I love as much as I love this little boy (and his equally loveable cousins.) I just can't imagine it's possible.
As I was getting ready to leave, they were all getting in the car to go get their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny after the party. But Betty and I were heading home so I couldn't go with them. Had I been by myself, I would have gone with them and just gotten home later -- but since Betty was with me I figured we needed to head home. So home we went...
Though my heart is still definitely in West Virginia.