La's last day at Victor Global is going to be Friday, August 10th. And in case you haven't looked at a calendar recently, that's really, really soon.
While sitting at lunch today she looked particularly sad so I decided to snap a picture to capture what (I felt) was her physical expression of the reality/separation we are about to endure.
She, however, felt that she should take the time to show how she really feels.
You know, I keep telling myself that it's just the summer job she's ready to leave, not me. Because I'm not going to lie -- I feel more like the way she looks in the first picture.
Except with more tears and (of course) hotness.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
True Emotions
Monday, July 30, 2007
Waiting for...
"And if I sleep just to dream of you, I'll wake without you there.
Isn't something missing? Isn't something..."
Sometimes days, I can't help but feel like my entire life is nothing but me waiting for the next moment to arrive.
I'm not going to lie. I'm tired of waiting.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Birthday Cake... for No One
This morning within ten minutes of getting back from church, I decided to go on a quick day trip with my parents back down to West Virginia to see the babies. Yes, I really I was just there on Monday. But I can't tell you how attached I'm getting to Gage, Laken and Liam this summer. Plus, I figured if I keep seeing them often enough they'll keep remembering me.
It was so nice too because while we were there, Quinton came home as well! He usually spends all his summer up in Erie with his dad, but he took a two week vacation out west with his other grandparents. He just got back this afternoon and if heading back up to Erie tomorrow, so it was nice to catch him. He made sure to tell us how big the Grand Canyon was too.
My aunt made lunch for all of us... which included a large birthday cake. We all gathered around the kitchen with the kids and my mom started singing "Happy Birthday" with everyone joining in.
...Only, it wasn't anyone's birthday.
You should have seen the faces of the kids when we sang, "Happy Birthday Quinton, Gage, Laken and LIAAAAAAAAM.... Happy Birthday to you!"
You'd have thought it really WAS their birthdays.
Though out of the four of them, Laken seemed to enjoy his cake the most - haha!
Edit -- An Email I had from Kelli, Gage's mom, when I got home:
I know we said you had to visit once a month - and that will do - but once a week is better. We love having you too! That is a really sweet picture. Maybe next time you can snap some of Gage and I like that and do the black & white thing. Talk to ya soon!
P.S. We love having you close by, I hope you don't go to NY for a while.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
....There are so many reasons I love my friends.
"Cock" and "Gwenyth Paltrow" are just two of them.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Matt = Difficult to Blog About
Like I've said before, sometimes people aren't too thrilled with my blog-photo-action.
Case in point: Matt. Fever or not, he was the most exciting part of my day and I'll be damned if I'm not going to blog about him! HAH! Matt, you can hide under the covers BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM MY BLOG!!! ;)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Belated Birthday Gifts for the Boys
I was FINALLY able to give Joe & Bryan their birthday gifts! Their birthday was on Friday, which I missed because of my five-day-weekend. Then I forgot to finish/bring their gifts on Wednesday, so they finally made it into the office today.
I made a shirt for each:
Joe's Shirt: "Who needs hair? ...With a body like THIS!"
Bryan's Shirt: "I LOVE Pulled-Pork! ...Almost as much as I love my wife."
Now Joe's shirt is pretty self-explanatory, heh. The picture I put on the shirt just happens to be the infamous photo from Thursday, which goes GREAT with the caption.
But Bryan's is slightly more in depth and there are two things you need to know to understand it. 1) Bryan LOVES pulled pork sandwiches from Sheetz. He talks about them nonstop. I've never heard anyone worship pulled-pork the way this man does. 2) He's getting married on Saturday. And honestly, he is the most adorable thing ever when he talks about it. He is just SO in love with this girl and so excited to get married... I only hope I get married to someone as in love with me as Bryan is with his soon-to-be wife.
I'm glad they enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed making them!! I also included the Sheetz pulled-pork button on Bryan's shirt, which La & I asked for at Sheetz last week. The employee just stared at us dumbfounded, then handed it over. All we had to do was explain our crazy employee and we had our button! ;)
All and all it was a pretty perfect day.**
**Oh yeah. Except for the following:
1.) My 8 a.m. ultrasound for my gallbladder.
2.) The drilling of my four remaining cavities.
Which, both experiences, were hardly perfect. But they were okay.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cleanin' Like Caroline
My closet looks AMAZING.
I should have taken a before picture.
My parents got new closet doors installed after two decades of the same broken doors... and now I actually have access to ALL of my closet, hence why I had to clean it.
Oh and the large blue thing hanging there?
My collection of Old Navy flip flops. :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
More Cousin-Fun
...This has definitely been the vacation of cousins, that's for sure.
Today I had a fun filled day which included a doctor's appointment (gallbladder issues, we think) and "Cousins' Day." My sister couldn't make it so Holly, Heather and I headed down to the Waterfront.
We shopped around a bit but didn't buy anything. Then we took in a 4 o'clock showing of "Knocked Up" which I have been DYING to see for far too long now. And yes, it was as hilarious as everyone said it was... =) Then we had a really, really good dinner at PF Changs before ice cream at Coldstone. Mmmm... delish.
Plus, the company was as enjoyable as ever.
Even if I really only ever visit Holly anymore so I can see her new puppy Ozzy. Who, by the way, is in love with me. Like I told Holly tonight, if Ozzy had a Myspace he'd so be on my top friends.
And maybe so would they.
Monday, July 23, 2007
"Cuz Kah-wee Had to Leave"
Today was my last day in West Virginia for this trip. I went shopping again with Amy (right) and out to Cheddar's for lunch (I know Kristen & Anna would be jealous, Arnie's parents would be proud.) I also just spent a lot of time just hanging around the house playing with all of the kids and talking to Kelli Jo (left.) And of course, got in some final cuddling time with ten-month-old Liam.
The trip ended just as it began too... with Gage & Laken tearin' across the lawn as fast as their little John Deere could go.
But finally it was time for me to leave.
You know, it's funny how fast days go by when you aren't at work and just spending time with people, doing things you so enjoy. My time with those babies never seems to last long enough. Then again, when I was little my trips to West Virginia never seemed long enough either.
When I got home around 10 p.m. I already had an email from Kelli waiting for me.
"Gage told me that you were coming when he got out of the tub tonight. He kept saying 'Cuz Kah-wee comin.' He is just so funny."
Little does Gage, Laken & Liam know how much I hate to leave.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
"Swim, Swim, Swim"
After shopping all day, my cousins and I took all three kids over to their friend's house so we could go swimming that evening. Their friends have a huge in-ground swimming pool that the babies just love, so it was fun to see them play.
I spent a lot of time with Gage on the steps watching him hop/pull/swim his way back and forth from one side to the other. He let me take him out into the deeper water some, but not without clinging to my neck for dear life. Its so nice to feel a child's trust like that. It's also cute to watch him hop back and forth across the steps saying, "Swim, swim, swim" over and over again.
Gage also started calling me "Cuz Kah-wee" as well today, out of nowhere. Its not like we had been trying to get him to say my name either. I was just putting him the car seat and all of a sudden he starts going, "Oh God. Oh God. Oh God, Cuz Kah-wee. Oh God."
Every time he'd say it - it would just put the biggest smile on my face.
That night, I slept over at Kelli & Gage's apartment rather than Amy's house. I spent a lot of time playing with him, taking picture and getting him to make funny faces with me in the mirror. You know, I love those quiet moments with him, which really don't make for good blog entries, but make for heartwarming memories.
Something about that boy just gets to me.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Ready to Roll
I knew from the minute I pulled into my aunt's driveway in West Virginia that taking these next few days off to spend more time with my cousins and their kids would be well worth it.
We spent the afternoon watching Gage (left) and Laken (right), side-by-side, drive all over my aunt's property in their little motorized John Deere. They just love that thing and it is simply hilarious to watch them go.
Half the time, they got stuck in the ditch at the edge of my aunt's property, only to yell, "Help! Help!" as they looked back to see if one of us would come get them out. They'd run into trees and into other toys, get stuck, and just be dumb-founded as to why they couldn't move anymore.
Sometimes Gage would get out and hold onto the back -- almost as if he was pushing. I could probably watch them for hours just running that thing back and forth across the lawn.
At one point, while I was taking pictures, I jumped in front of them and pretended they were going to run me over. That's when I snapped this photo -- and you can almost see the delight twinkling in their eyes as they were about to run me over.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Ladies Who Lunch
Today was the first day of my five-day weekend.
Oh yes. Be jealous. I have Friday-Tuesday off.
I took my Grandma out to lunch today down at the Waterfront. We ended up eating at Uno, which I love and where she had never been. We were able to get seating outside too, facing the Monongahela River. It was such a nice day to sit outside... much nicer than inside a slightly-too-cold office. I always hope days off will be as beautiful as today was. Usually it rains instead.
After lunch, we stopped at both of my former Old Navys -- the one at the Waterfront and the one at Century III. It was nice to see old coworkers and pick up a couple things (including 20% off Friends & Family cards! Yes!) But it was also just a really, really nice day with Grandma.
I was planning on heading down to West Virginia tonight, but since I was gone so long with my Grandma and didn't get around to packing until later tonight, I figured I'd just head down early tomorrow morning. I am probably going to stay down there until late Monday or early Tuesday morning getting my baby fix... I can't wait to see Gage, Laken and Liam again.
Besides, my parents got back tonight from Ocean City and I wanted to see what they brought me... errr.... ASK them about their trip since I hadn't really talked to them in five days.
(And in case you were wondering, the answers are:
A t-shirt, a necklace, a box of taffy for my coworkers, and 'Great!')
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Joe = TREX
It's amazing how funny something so simple can be.
Joe: She walks in heels the way *I'd* walk in heels...
This would be Joe doing his TREX impression.
....And no, we're not talking about the dinosaur.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Razzle Dazzle Em, A-Men!
Wait, wait, before you read any further -- guess which one is the photo and which two are actually just me and Aaron! And yes, I embarrassed the crap out of him when I had him pose for this picture in front of the theater.
So tonight, Aaron and I got to go see Chicago for free down at Heinz Hall because of our lovely usher connections. (AKA LaLa got us comp tickets, than moved us down to center orchestra.)
I had seen the show about three or four years ago with Chip, La and Kristen downtown but who can pass up seeing a musical for free even if it isn't your most absolute favorite? I could always use a little extra razzle dazzle... especially by Wednesday.
But tomorrow is my Friday and I have a five-day weekend ahead of me.
Time with Grandma, time with friends, time with BABIES and time with cousins await. It's going to be a fantastic five days... starting tomorrow at 5 p.m.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Poop vs. Shit
As I'm sure you can tell, I spend a lot of time riding people's asses in my desperate attempt to make it to work on time. I feel like I'm constantly rushed and always behind the slowest person in southwestern PA.
While on vacation, Elisa saw this bumper sticker and got out of the car to take this picture for me because she thought it would make me laugh.
Oh. It did.
Especially cause Elisa hates the word "poop" and I use it quite frequently.
Added Note -- 7/19/07:
"You neglected to mention that I gave it to you while we were having a conversation about you having to crap." --Elisa
Monday, July 16, 2007
I don't know what it is.
I don't know what it does.
I don't know why it's on the road going 20 miles an hour at 7:20 a.m.
All I know is it's GOING TO MAKE ME LATE FOR WORK, damn it!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Just a COUPLE Reminders...
If you can't tell, my parents are heading out of town tomorrow.
They are convinced they are going to come home and the dog will be dead, Grandma will have been knocked unconscious on the floor all week with no help, the house will be torn apart and my sister and I will be M.I.A.
So they've decided to leave post-it notes to remind us of things.
They've left them EVERYWHERE.
(pause) Hello, why yes, I am 22 and my sister will be 20 in a couple weeks.
Thank you. Goodnight.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Someday We're (Both) Bound To Find Stronger Suits
Me: I'm warning you though, I'm bringing a camera.
There is nothing like an old AIDA friend being in town to make my night sparkle like the lights on a Broadway stage! Haha... And Annalisa being in town tonight was definitely worthy of a standing ovation... or at least a dance-party at Margarita Mama's!
I met Annalisa and her friend Kevin at my last Broadway performance of AIDA back in 2004. It was the same summer trip that Jess, Marijke and I had snuck up to NYC to visit Jill while my mom thought I was at some farm in Illinois visiting Jess' family. Really, it was just a big plot to meet Nathan, after talking online for over two years. Plus, I got to see Deborah Cox and Adam Pascal in AIDA... which was beyond phenomenal.
I spent a lot of time talking to Kevin while Nathan and I waited for rush tickets early that morning before the show. I can still remember his first mention of Annalisa -- his friend who was still back at the hotel sleeping. When he heard how much I loved Adam Pascal, he laughed even then -- saying how much we'd probably get along. I later met her during the show, since she and Kevin were sitting in the rush seats near me. I also spent some time with her at intermission, before we parted ways.
Once we got back home, we connected online and have been reading each others blogs ever since. I honestly can't wait for the day I live in the same city as this girl -- because she is just a ridiculously joyful person to be around. And she does a MEAN Britney Spears "I'm a Slave For You" dance, let me tell you.
When I found out she was coming to Pittsburgh for the weekend to work on a commercial contest, I could NOT stop smiling. She had a bunch of friends with her who we spent the night dancing with as well -- all of who LaLa (who went with me) and I adored. Annalisa was right though -- her friends are great!
I only wish she had been here longer.
Well, at least long enough to teach me her moves.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Don't Ya Know That You're Toxic?
I swear, some of our employees (not necessarily those pictured.. haha) are alcoholics. I feel like they are always talking about booze at one point or another during the day.
Then again, most people like to reflect on happier times from their cubicles.
Molly: Oh yeah - well this shows you how good my fake ID was in college. You know those fake celebrity ones you can buy? I had one that said Britney Spears... and the bar near school let me in! Can you believe that! I just said, "Yeah... just give her a few years."
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Today at work, our company threw a mini-fiesta for us.
At 3, we all got to go downstairs and take a break while we enjoyed beer and nachos. However, when the email was sent around telling us to all head down to the kitchen, it happened to mention that only those 21 and over could enjoy the beer.
Me (in an email to Alisa and Brittany): What the email should have said was everyone but Brittany and Alisa are welcome to have some beer. Heh. Heh.
They were just two of the three who aren't at least 21 in the company.
Alisa: (sigh) That's okay. I guess I'll just have a strong lemonade.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
This is Misery
There really AREN'T 'reasons enough to celebrate' when you have to get 8 cavities drilled. And yes, I brush my teeth obsessively. Stop asking.
There's really no reason to rejoice either when you just got 4 of those 8 cavities drilled by a dentist who doesn't even move his mouth when he talks -- therefore you can't understand a WORD he's saying.
Or a dentist who doesn't warn you before he starts shoving needles in your mouth.
Or a dentist who doesn't let you know he's about to throw you into an almost upside down, vertical position so he can drill your molars.
Or a dentist who scheduled your appointments like this:
Wed, July 11th: 4 of 8 teeth drilled
Wed, July 18th: Teeth cleaning
....What about the other four teeth?
How can you forget to schedule the drilling for the other four teeth?
I'm switching dentists.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
....It's a Boy!
And they didn't even have to wait nine months.
My newly wedded cousin and her husband Greg just welcomed a new bundle of joy into their home on Saturday. And I got to meet him today when I went over to give them their wedding gift. Heather, Holly's sister and my other cousin, also came over to visit for awhile.
Although it was really exciting to spend some quality time with these two cousins... nothing compares to playing with a new puppy!
Meet... Ozzy.
He's part lab and will probably end up being around 65 pounds, from what they were told. They 'found' him at the humane society and brought him home that very day.
Greg: We were about halfway to the human society when I realized there was no way we were coming home empty handed.
Holly: Now, we just went to look. I didn't plan anything.
Heather: HOLLY. You aren't CAPABLE of just LOOKING!
Greg: Yeah. Then I found out AFTER we brought him home that the night before she had been checking out his picture on the humane society's website.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Trail of Memories
Today, my 400+ photos from the last half of my semester in Arizona arrived.
Putting them in chronological order required some assistance. Luckily, Anna is so infatuated with me and my social life that she was able to recall pretty much the last months of my life in Tucson in perfect order.
Anna: Oh THAT night you had with Elisa was the same weekend I was at Coachella. ((pause)) It's sick that I know the order of events of your life that I wasn't even a part of.
I ended up sitting in my room for hours, listening/singing along to Kelly Clarkson and feeling sad/pathetic as I pieced together the photo documentation. As I worked, I began flipping through my phone and calling Arizona friends I haven't talked to as much since I've moved back here.
I got a lot of voicemails.
So I went back to what I had left --- photographs of moments too far away to relive, but too hard to let go just yet. But I miss being in those photographs.
Foolish one with the smile, you don’t have to be brave;
I’ll gladly climb your walls if you’ll meet me halfway.
~Kelly Clarkson
Sunday, July 8, 2007
All a Blurrrrr
I spent pretty much 98% of today making out with my pillow.
I have been running nonstop since my first week back In Pittsburgh. Ever since I started at Victor Global, I have felt exhausted by the weekdays. Then the weekends are nothing but marathons of trying to fit in everything else I've been dying to do -- like socialization. And there are still so many people I have yet to spend much time with. I need longer days, more days.
By the way, what have I not been very successful at?
Oh right. Applying for big girl jobs.
You know. In the field I graduated from.
May I mention it's already July? Shit.
Maybe next weekend I'll work on priorities.
I think I'm just in the post-graduation slump like the rest of my generation.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Hoping All Those 7's Bring Them Many Years of Bliss
Like everyone else around the world, I attended a wedding today.
07-07-07. The date of luck.
And no, I didn't attend Eva Longoria and Tony Parker's wedding.
Today, I watched Lauren MacPherson became Mrs. James Horning.
While it's hard to believe she's no longer our Lauren Mac, it is all too easy to believe her new nickname is Lauren Ho. ;)
Lauren Mac/Ho was one of my best friends in high school. I met her the way I met most of my really good high school friends -- through choir. So going to her wedding was almost like attending the best high school choir reunion I could have possibly attended. The number of people I saw and got to dance with couldn't have been more fun.
And the bride couldn't have been more beautiful.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Tanya Eats A Lot
Tanya's my coworker at Victor Global, as well as La's cousin.
She's sort-of the reason we both got jobs there.
The most important think you'll ever have to know about Tanya is that she is the smallest thing ever -- but she eats like a professional Japanese hot dog eater.
Especially when she's cranky.
She's been trying to hold back though - but today was not the day for her to begin. Especially once our other coworker, Joe, dumped the remaining group-taffy all over her cubicle area while Tanya was at lunch. She kept pushing the bag to his side of the cubicle to prevent herself from eating it... but to be frank, no one else was eating much of it, yet it kept disappearing.
I know this is not funny to anyone outside of our company, but it was pretty much the highlight of my day. I'm still giggling over it. Especially when (from what I hear) Tanya came back from lunch and the first words out of her mouth were, "I'll kill him."
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Who Wouldn't Be Smiling...
...when they didn't have to go in to work til noon?
You'll never see me this happy sitting in traffic at 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Gage Michael
There are very few things in this world I love more than this child.
I was there in the ICU at Pittsburgh's Children's Hospital the night he was born/life-flighted in from West Virginia and I've been in love ever since. He's always the child I can hardly wait to see the moment I get to West Virginia and he's the one I always miss the most (though don't tell the others... who I also adore beyond words.)
It's just with Gage - his sunny disposition is so remarkable for a child who doesn't even realize how much he's already overcome. Not only is he being raised by a single mom (albeit with the help of a loving grandma and Matt, my cousin's boyfriend since he was born) but he has a prosthetic leg -- named "George."
It wasn't until he was born that the doctors realized he had never developed the bone in between his ankle and his knee. Instead, the skin and muscles twisted together; he had to eventually have his right leg amputated.
The doctors said it was either genetic of a 1 in a million chance.
After testing, they found out it wasn't genetic.
Yet he runs faster than Laken (who is just three months older than him) and jumps and tumbles like any other kid. "George" hardly stops him from anything... and he does it all with the biggest smile (which also happens to give the biggest 'MUAHS!') Anyone who meets him instantly falls in love; he's going to be the biggest heart-breaker when he gets older. No doubt about it.
After all, he breaks mine every time I leave.
I can't wait to go down again towards the end of the month.
I miss him already.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Cousin Kari AND Fireworks?!
After working all day, I hopped in the car and headed down to West Virginia.
It's where one of my aunts and two of my cousins live. But more importantly it is also the home of Quinton, Laken, Liam and Gage. Sadly, Quinton wasn't around because he spends summers with his dad up in Erie.. but everyone under the age of two and a half was present! (Laken and Liam are Quin's brothers, Gage is Quin's cousin.)
First, I met up with my family in Morgantown since everyone was watching the parade. Then we got ice cream at Coldstone before heading to the top of the police station to watch fireworks from the roof. (Morgantown was holding their events on tonight instead of tomorrow, since most people have to get up early for work on Thursday.)
The fireworks looked like any other fireworks I've ever seen, but I spent more time watching the faces of Laken and Gage than I did anything else anyway. Laken kept pointing at the "big pool" (the sky) and saying "Boom!" (fireworks!) Little Liam wasn't too impressed though.. he slept through the entire thing!
By the time we got back to my cousin Amy's house, got Laken and Liam bathed, fed and put to sleep... I was ready to crash since I'd been awake for almost 20 hours.
But nothing could have been more worth my heavy eyelids than seeing Liam's new teeth, peeking out at me every time he smiled.
I (personally) think he remembers that I'm his favorite cousin, even at 10 months old. He should though -- especially since we share the same birthday. =)
Monday, July 2, 2007
What Used to Make Us Happy
I'm not going to lie. I still get excited when I go through the car wash.
It's probably because my dad rarely did it when we were little. In fact, most memories I have from going through the car wash giggling and screaming was from the backseat of my Grandma and Grandpap Smith's car. I remember even my Grandma was scared... or so she said.
The only thing that has changed since those days and now is that when I now pull out after my car's been washed... I notice it's never as clean as I used to think my Grandpap's car was after we had gone through.
And I end up just like my father, wiping it down and washing the windows myself once I got home with $5 less than I had left with.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
A Side of Grilled Cheese... Please.
I was so tired from the bachelorette party that I forgot to take a photo to document the day... luckily our night ran so late on Saturday, it was technically Sunday by the time we left the Matrix and headed to Eat N Park. So I'm only half cheating.
It's always so hard for me to decide what I want to eat when I'm drunk (okay, and to be fair, I wasn't even drunk & I was still having a hard time deciding!) since I pretty much always want EVERYTHING. Finally, after much debate, I came up with my order... a French Toast Smile (french toast, bacon, eggs) with... a side of grilled cheese.
Okay. So. Apparently the waitress has never gotten that order before.
In fact, she was so stunned that she didn't even turn in La's cheeseburger order. And we didn't realize she hadn't turned it in until... pretty much the rest of us were done eating.
So this is La. Not eating at Eat N Park.
The place for smiles - and a side of grilled cheese!