Saturday, May 19, 2007

Play Ball!

Play Ball!, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Tonight my dad, Aunt Greta, cousin Quinton and I all went downtown to watch our first Pittsburgh Pirates game of the season. Quinton and my aunt are from a really small town near Morgantown, West Virginia so we don't get to see him that often -- especially up here.

It was Quinton's first Pirates game (and first time in downtown Pittsburgh, really) and he was extremely excited.

Little did we know the 8-year-old was capable of talking through all nine innings. He's DEFINITELY a member of our family.

Me: Who's your favorite uncle?
Quinton: (pauses) Uncle Paul.
Me: Who are your other uncles?
Quinton: (pauses even longer) I don't know.
Me: Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill is your other uncle.
Quinton: Oh. Then definitely Uncle Paul.
Me: (laughing) Why do you say that?
Quinton: Cause Uncle Bill's way too silly.
Me: Alright. Fine. Who has more hair?
Quinton: (very quickly, while laughing) UNCLE PAUL!
Me: Who has a bigger belly?
Quinton: (matter-of-factly) Uncle Bill!
Me: Who has the smaller belly? Uncle Bill, Uncle Paul or Ma-Ma (Aunt Greta)?
Quinton: (laughing so hard he can't speak) Uncle Paul!!!

I'd like to take this moment to say my Aunt Greta has a MUCH, MUCH smaller stomach than my father. He's got a good 60 or 70 pounds on her at least.

I didn't have the heart to tell her why Quinn was laughing when she asked.

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