The best part of my day was the hours between 12:30 and 5 a.m. when Rory was over and we were watching the Pursuit of Happyness, talking, cuddling and generally just spending more time together. I was more content in those hours than I would be at any other part of the day... which I am thankful for, especially now that the day is over and done with.
I was woken up somewhat early-ish today and told by my parents that I needed to go get my flat tire fixed before the weather got bad. My mom decided to tag along, so we headed to Wal-Mart and bullshitted there a bit, while they tried to fix the tire. Apparently the nail was in the sidewall, so they couldn't fix it, they had to replace it.
Turns out, Wal-Mart didn't have the snow tire or even seasonal tire I needed.
So we headed down to Pepboys, where we told them what Wal-Mart had told us and that we needed a new snow tired put on. Just one. They told us they'd have our car done in half an hour. My mom and I ran next door to Rite Aid, to kill some time. We came back about 45 minutes later and our car was outside... because it hadn't been looked at yet. Fine. No big deal.
TWO HOURS after we had originally dropped it off, I walked up and asked the guy why they hadn't even looked at our car yet. He shuffled around some papers, trying to find mine and when he did he just glanced at it and said, "OH don't worry it will be in in just a few seconds."
I sat back down. The car still didn't go into the garage over the course of the next 30 minutes. My mom kept getting up to check and see if the car was outside... and all of a sudden I saw her waving her hands and yelling at the employees behind the desk. They told her they were sorry and they would take care of it.
FINALLY, THREE HOURS after we had first arrived at Pepboys, they called us up to tell us we were done. We got out the credit card to pay for the tire, and the guy waved us off, telling us we didn't have to pay for anything - they took care of it and were letting us go without charging us because we were told it was only going to be thirty minutes and it ended up taking too long. My mom and I ran outside, got in the car as fast as we could and headed home because the weather was getting pretty bad by this point.
Later that afternoon, my dad goes out to look at the car.
They never even put a new tire on it.
So my dad calls up Pepboys and tries to find out what happened - the guy on the phone said he wasn't really sure what went down, but the records showed they just patched up the tire. My dad said we told them we wanted a new tire put on, because Wal-Mart had told us it was not repairable. The sheet they gave us had notes on our car, saying the nail in the sidewall was not repairable. Why would they suddenly go and fix something they didn't even think they could fix, when we ASKED for a new snow tire to be put on the minute we walked in? The guy just told my dad he didn't work on the car so he wasn't sure but that the tire should be fine, so keep an eye on it.
Tomorrow, I'm going to work all day and listen to customers bitch and bitch about how the Steelers lost today, count out endless night deposits from the surrounding stores and their holiday weekend madness, generally be stressed out and tired, and go to Pepboys after to probably sit there and be irritated more while I wait to speak to a manager. Because -- this was RIDICULOUS. And I want to find out what REALLY happened. My guess is... after making us wait three hours, they realized they didn't even have the tire I needed either.
Hopefully, tomorrow will end a little better than today today.
And maybe I'll even get to see Rory.