Today, on Matt & Kari Day, I spent a billion dollars.
But I had a blast, so it was worth every single cent.
We started off the day heading to Advanced Auto Parts to buy new windshield wipers for my car. My dad had said I'd probably spend around $15, and when the guy asked me which brand I wanted, I picked the ones that were $17.99. However, I'm a complete idiot and didn't realize that meant
each. So right off the bat, just to get windshield wipers, my total was $42. But now that I'm rollin' around with the Cadillac of windshield wipers, it can rain and snow all it wants since mine actually work now.
After that exciting trip... Matt and I went down to the Carnegie Science Center, to see
BODIES: THE EXHIBITION, which I had seen in Chicago last year with Kristen. But Matt had never seen it and plus, I was kind of in the mood to see it again, so we headed down. It's amazing to see everything in that exhibit and to believe that its all inside of us. It was also really interesting to look at the exhibit after
all the controversy that's come out recently. It really made me look at the faces of the bodies we were looking and and really wonder who that person was and how they ended up here.
Matt: Yeah, I'm an organ donor so...
Me: But THIS was NOT what I had in mind when I told the DMV they could put that on my license. I meant like... give my organs to a 16 year old leukemia patient or...something.
After that, we ended up passing the Andy Warhol Museum and stopping there, because I really wanted Matt to see the
Ron Mueck exhibit I saw with Anna and Rob last month. He thought it was really cool (which, how could you not?) so it was worth the money to get back in again. And I was just as impressed as I was the first time.
We battled the rush hour traffic and decided to grab Chinese food at Old Town Buffet. My favorite part of dinner though, was after we had spent all this time talking about our lives and how confusing they are... and then when we went to open our fortune cookies, Matt's cookie was empty.
Matt: Oh GOD. What does this mean?
Me: Google it!!
Matt: (googling it from his phone) 'I think it means something bad -Frankie' Gee, thanks Frankie from Yahoo Answers. I like 'You create your own future' or 'The future is in your hands' better.
Then of course... no trip would be complete without shopping at Target. Gage's birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and one of the things I have been wanting to pick up for him was this
Thomas pillow, since he is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. I also have a couple other Thomas things I've purchased and (plan to purchase) but I'm almost done. Can't spend a billion dollars on the boy, especially since I don't really have a billion to spend.
Though apparently I did today.