Sunday, April 29, 2007

Can I Get an A-Men(zer?)

sundayblog, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

I got another letter from one of my favorite people in the world today.

Aaron Menzer is just reaching the end of his mission in Idaho. He's been gone almost two years... yet he still makes me smile. I've been glancing at this photo all day -- just because I can hear him laughing when I look at it.

Yes, he's riding a pig. As I said - he's in Idaho.

He also thinks I should move to Chicago.

"Good luck in deciding where to go. That' s a rough decision... I say Chicago. Don't really know why. Just find comfort in the fact that you could make Bumville, Armpit of the U.S. exciting and fun just because you are you."

Like I said... always makes me smile.

1 comment:

Anna Apocalypse said...

I have to say, I think Arnie would be very proud of all this photo blog action. I think you're even starting to write like him too, haha.