Thursday, July 26, 2007

Belated Birthday Gifts for the Boys

I was FINALLY able to give Joe & Bryan their birthday gifts! Their birthday was on Friday, which I missed because of my five-day-weekend. Then I forgot to finish/bring their gifts on Wednesday, so they finally made it into the office today.

I made a shirt for each:

Joe's Shirt: "Who needs hair? ...With a body like THIS!"
Bryan's Shirt: "I LOVE Pulled-Pork! ...Almost as much as I love my wife."

Now Joe's shirt is pretty self-explanatory, heh. The picture I put on the shirt just happens to be the infamous photo from Thursday, which goes GREAT with the caption.

But Bryan's is slightly more in depth and there are two things you need to know to understand it. 1) Bryan LOVES pulled pork sandwiches from Sheetz. He talks about them nonstop. I've never heard anyone worship pulled-pork the way this man does. 2) He's getting married on Saturday. And honestly, he is the most adorable thing ever when he talks about it. He is just SO in love with this girl and so excited to get married... I only hope I get married to someone as in love with me as Bryan is with his soon-to-be wife.

I'm glad they enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed making them!! I also included the Sheetz pulled-pork button on Bryan's shirt, which La & I asked for at Sheetz last week. The employee just stared at us dumbfounded, then handed it over. All we had to do was explain our crazy employee and we had our button! ;)

All and all it was a pretty perfect day.**

**Oh yeah. Except for the following:
1.) My 8 a.m. ultrasound for my gallbladder.
2.) The drilling of my four remaining cavities.

Which, both experiences, were hardly perfect. But they were okay.

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