Friday, July 6, 2007

Tanya Eats A Lot

Tanya Eats A Lot, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

Tanya's my coworker at Victor Global, as well as La's cousin.
She's sort-of the reason we both got jobs there.

The most important think you'll ever have to know about Tanya is that she is the smallest thing ever -- but she eats like a professional Japanese hot dog eater.

Especially when she's cranky.

She's been trying to hold back though - but today was not the day for her to begin. Especially once our other coworker, Joe, dumped the remaining group-taffy all over her cubicle area while Tanya was at lunch. She kept pushing the bag to his side of the cubicle to prevent herself from eating it... but to be frank, no one else was eating much of it, yet it kept disappearing.

I know this is not funny to anyone outside of our company, but it was pretty much the highlight of my day. I'm still giggling over it. Especially when (from what I hear) Tanya came back from lunch and the first words out of her mouth were, "I'll kill him."

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