Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Is This Real Life?

Tonight, I was at the gas station down the street waiting for my mom's order of lunch meat to be ready.

I couldn't help but overhear the conversation being held at the register - between a late-20s cashier and a 40-something-year-old customer. They were ranting back and forth about how they hear "young kids" wish their lives away... and how they'd give anything to go back to high school, because those are the best days of your life.

I couldn't help but stand there and pray that high school wasn't the best years of my life. I don't even want college to have been the best years of my life -- I'm a firm believer in the best is yet to come.

At least, I used to be. Maybe that cashier used to feel that way too - maybe that customer did as well. Maybe most people used to look forward instead of backwards... but I'm still hopeful. For now.

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