Tonight I had a really, really, really good date. Really good date.
As much as I despise dating in general - the different guys I've come to know this year have really taught me a lot about myself and what I might want out of a partner someday. (Aka - they've taught me what I DON'T want... haha.) I still can't imagine myself getting so lost in someone that I lose sight of who I am as a person, nor do I ever want to put my goals and my dreams aside so that I can be in a relationship. I don't see why you can't have it all - but if I have to choose, part of me still prides myself on the fact that I think I'd still choose dreams and goals and myself. I want to grow and change, yes, but I want to hold onto me. Because no matter who comes and goes, I'm stuck with myself. So I better treat myself okay.
I don't know. Maybe that's bitchy. At least, it comes off a lot more selfish than I mean it... but what I liked about getting to know Ed tonight, was that I saw so much of my same ideals & beliefs in him as well. Yet he's not afraid to have fun, not afraid to be close, not afraid to speak his mind. Not afraid to dream.
Plus the fact that he was tricked into buying me a rose by some bum off the street made the night more eventful as well. It was quite the evening, that's for sure.
But whatever happens, happens. I do 100% believe though that at least tonight I had the opportunity to meet an incredible individual. Someone who, I can already tell, has so much to teach me.
What is that a picture of?
As I was driving home from the Southside, I had the rose along the dashboard of my car and I was parked at a light, waiting for it to turn green - and the rose looked REALLY cool in the light. So I just took a quick picture - thats a streetlight shining at the top.
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