Sunday, July 8, 2007

All a Blurrrrr

All a Blurrrrr, originally uploaded by reasonenoughtocelebrate.

I spent pretty much 98% of today making out with my pillow.

I have been running nonstop since my first week back In Pittsburgh. Ever since I started at Victor Global, I have felt exhausted by the weekdays. Then the weekends are nothing but marathons of trying to fit in everything else I've been dying to do -- like socialization. And there are still so many people I have yet to spend much time with. I need longer days, more days.

By the way, what have I not been very successful at?
Oh right. Applying for big girl jobs.
You know. In the field I graduated from.

May I mention it's already July? Shit.

Maybe next weekend I'll work on priorities.
I think I'm just in the post-graduation slump like the rest of my generation.

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