Saturday, September 15, 2007

Best Birthday Gift: Love.

Now this felt more like a birthday.

Fabulous time in the South Side with fabulous friends. And - random people who decide to hop in photos.

Either way, I had a great time with some girls (and a boy!*) I hardly ever get to spend time with - which should change soon, since I love hanging out with them. We went to eat some "MEXICAN" food and then out for drinks at some random bars in the South Side of Pittsburgh. It was a lovely evening - mainly because these people love to laugh as much as I do.

I must be a lucky girl. I know I'm a thankful one at least.

*We all know I spend more than enough time with Aaron. But I felt if I ignored his presence in the photo, I'm sure I'd hear jokes about it later.

I'm aware he's not a girl. Haha!

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