I haven't been trick or treating since 6th Grade. The last year I went, I went as a gypsy and had a really good time from what I remember. Who doesn't love candy?
But the next day, when I walked into my (new, Christian) school and everyone asked me how my night was... apparently I was in the minority. Halloween was not something to be celebrated and I felt so horrible after that day at school I refused to go ever again.
...until tonight when I helped my cousins and aunt escort a ninja (Quinton), kangaroo (Laken), a Thomas the Tank Engine train conductor (Gage) and a pirate (Liam) up and down the neighborhood streets to collect goodies for the babies' first real Halloween.
It was such an endearing experience... watching those kids I love so much resist going up to their first door, only to realize what happens when they hold out their buckets at those doors. Suddenly they went from being ridiculously shy -- to becoming greedy little monsters!! It was just too cute. I couldn't stop smiling the entire night... it was just the best Halloween ever.
Especially when the pirate puked on me and my leather jacket right before the evening ended... but let's not focus on that!
Afterwards, I spent my last night in West Virginia with Kelli and Gage. Gage was particularly adorable, rolling all over the floor with me, letting me throw him into the air, cuddling with me, taking pictures with me, talking with me. He's at such a fantastic age where he's really learning to have real conversations but still so ridiculously young and endearing. Honestly, I just love that child. And no matter how much time I spend with him, it's never enough.
Then again, I feel that way with all my babies.
Even when they're being little devils...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Grabbing Treats with My Tricksters
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Music Makes the World Go Round
It's quiz time, kids.
Today, Laken Dane:
A) Hurled maraca at a 5 week-old-baby during Kindermusik & hit her in the face.*
B) Threw a red slushie ALL over the entire interior of Amy's newly-cleaned SUV.*
C) Wacked his eight-year-old brother Quinton in the face with a yardstick.*
D) Was ridiculously charming despite his devilish grin.
E) All of the above.
If you guessed E... sadly, you are correct.
That child is lucky he's so damn cute -
Cause I'm almost certain he's the anti-Christ.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Cuteness Captured
It's gotten to the point where I don't even know what else to say about my trips to West Virginia to see my babies. I mean, saying that Baby Liam should be a model for Baby Gap is stating the obvious, right? ;)
They just make me... so ridiculously happy.
I drove down this morning and couldn't help but be amazed at how gorgeous the weather was and how beautiful the falls leaves were.
I sang the whole trip down.
And I couldn't stop smiling once I arrived.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
All We Are
I wasted, wasted, love for you; trading out for something new.
Well its hard to change the way you lose, if you think you never won.
Because all we are, we are... and all we are, we are.
Every day is the start of something beautiful.
In the end, the words won't matter. No.
'Cause in the end, nothing stays the same.
In the end dreams just scatter and fall like rain.
Matt Nathanson
I'm heading down to West Virginia to see my babies for a few days.
I need the break from my thoughts. I need a break from myself.
You know, winter's coming. And its going to be cold.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Role Reversal
Yes. That would be my Grandma.
At the Icing. Getting her ears pierced. At 86 years old.
And she didn't have an I.D., so I had to sign for her.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
This is my life 5 months after graduation.
I should have gone straight to grad school.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Invasion of Personal Space
Today, my cousin paid me to clean her house for 7 hours while she and her husband were at work. They needed a house cleaned and I need money, so it was a good fit.
Plus, we all know how I love to pretend I'm Caroline Thibodeaux , so it was very therapeutic for me. I haven't cleaned a house like this since Tucson, so I had a lot of pent up anger to get out... living with parents is ridiculously frustrating at times. So I cleaned out my frustrations and anger. For seven hours.
Seven freaking hours of cleaning and singing and scrubbing and having her cat glare at me and having her dog cry, because I had to keep him locked up for the most part, cause every time I tried to let him run around the house while I cleaned, he just got in the way and wouldn't leave me alone, so I kept locking him back up, which led to more crying from him and more glaring at me from the cat...
But the house looked amazing at exactly 3:30 p.m. when she walked into the house. And I was paid. So all ended well.
And because of that pay, I can afford to drive down to West Virginia this week and visit my BABIES before I start work at the bank next week. So those seven hours of scrubbing... will allow me three days of giggles and hugs and kisses and footballs and yelling and playing and exhaustion from my four favorite boys in the whole wide world.
And to tell you the truth, I would have cleaned for seven days for seven hours with them... maybe even just seven minutes.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Haunted Dining
Jen and I went to a Murder Mash Mystery Dinner Theater tonight to celebrate Halloween (and my love for a good serving of chicken cordon bleu.)
My dinner, my Jen time, and the other women who were seated at our table were definitely more entertaining than the actual entertainment. I just couldn't get into the performances... or lack thereof.
It's amazing though that Halloween is already here... time has slipped right out from under me. It was probably this time last year that I was busy purchasing my fairy wings for our night out on 4th Ave.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
One for the Road
This morning, I woke up early to say goodbye to Tonya & Kyra before they headed off to school, Rich before he left for work and Baby Trent before Tonya took him to daycare.
I've only been here a couple days, but already I feel close to the kids and I was sad to say goodbye to them. I know I've spent way more time in West Virginia and I'm much closer to the kids down there... but I feel like I definitely should have devoted more time to this side of the family too. And I'm glad my uncle wanted to take me back today, instead of letting me go home with my parents on Sunday, so I could have this extra time in Cleveland.
I honestly have a blast when I'm with Tonya and although Kyra is a little bratty, she definitely grew on me. And Trent, who I had only met once, definitely stole my heart. He has those eyes that are common amongst this side of the family... and he is going to be a big heart breaker too someday.
You know, Baby Trent is so close in age with Gage and Laken (they are all two and a half) and it is going to be so cute to see them play together at Thanksgiving, as well as seeing Quinton playing with Kyra. The only one who will be left without a play date will be Baby Liam... but I'll make sure to occupy his time! Haha.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving... we are having a huge get together at our Great Aunt Betty's - 5/6 of the cousins on my dad's side of the family, all of my aunts & uncles and my Pap, who is 94. AND most importantly... all of the great-grandkids will be there together, under one roof. Its the first time they will have all been at one event at the same time and I just know I'll definitely have my camera ready when that moment arrives... I feel like I blinked and my cousins and I grew up, I can't imagine how fast they will grow too.
I just love those kids like they are my own... and I can't imagine how much that means I'll end up loving the kids I'm meant to raise someday.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Typical Ohio Day
Day Three in Suburbia was fabulous... in a typical suburban way.
It's so funny to see the life my cousin is leading. I got up early to go spend the morning with her in her classroom - to see the district she works in, meet her coworkers and go to lunch with her.
Tonya is a teacher at this amazing elementary school - filled with flat screen TVs (you don't get that stuff if you went to school in MY school district) and well-paid teachers. She even has her own bathroom and SHOWER in her closet, as well as a laptop purchased for her personal use BY the district. And her classroom is small, with a max of only 9 students at a time, since she teachers special education.
My uncle picked me up from her school and we spent the afternoon at his health club - which was RIDICULOUSLY nice. I haven't been to the gym since my surgery (sad face) because
A) I don't want to sign up for a gym thats going to be nowhere near my workplace... I loved my gym from this summer, but why drive all the way out to Canonsburg if I'm not even working on that side of the area?
B) I haven't been working, therefore, I am broker than.. broke.
But I need to go back to a gym and soon. First paycheck, I HAVE to figure something out... I can't even believe how sore I was after doing less of a workout than I was used to this summer. I hate being this out of shape.
After the workout my aunt, uncle, cousin, her husband, the kids and I all went to this Mexican restaurant which was really good. Granted, it was no Tucson drive-through but it was delicious. Then Tonya and I took Kyra to her ice skating class and watched her pass her skating test!! She is now moving on to Level 4 and had to call her grandma (my aunt) RIGHT away to tell her about it.
Afterwards, we celebrated with homemade ice cream from Whistlers Ice Cream Shoppe before we headed home to play with Baby Trent. And after tucking the kids in bed, another suburban day was coming to a close...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Greetings from Suburbia...
I feel like I've stumbled onto Wisteria Lane by mistake.
I'm at my cousin Tonya's house near Cleveland. My parents had been planning to make the trip up for this specific weekend for awhile now, and considering the fact that Old Navy is DRAGGING its feet in hiring me back and I have nothing else to do - I tagged along. We drove up yesterday and my parents went back today. I'll be staying til Tuesday however, since my uncle offered to take me back then instead. I tend to favor/spend more time with the West Virginia family... so I guess some attention should be given to Tonya's babies as well. Tonya's babies being Kyra (6) and Trent (2).
I haven't been up here in a couple years... at least since Summer 2005? Since then, Trent has been born and Kyra can actually socialize with me. Oh right. And my cousin and her husband moved into a brand new house they built in this brand new neighborhood. Where everyone lives in their perfect little houses with their perfect little yards filled with perfect little toys for their perfect little children.
As much fun as I'm having here... I am so not ready for something like this to become my life. Nor do I think it ever will be.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Unexpected Rewards
So, several weeks ago, my journalism capstone course professor from the University of Arizona called me to let me know that the website I was co-editor-in-chief of during my last semester at UA was a finalist for the 2007 Online Journalism Awards presented by the Online News Association and the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California.
The nomination was extremely exciting, but no way in hell did I expect us to win. I mean, I was always proud of our publication - proud of all the work we put into establishing it last semester, running it and producing it ... proud of the idea of it... but never did I actually expect us to win... especially once I took a glance at some of our competition.
But.... we did!
Really early this morning, before I had even begun to pack for our trip to Cleveland, I found an email waiting for me in my inbox from the same professor:
Hi guys,
I'm happy to inform you that you are all responsible (according to the Online News Association) for producing the best student online publication in the country. Hell, in the English speaking world. People from anywhere in the world could enter and did.
The Online News Association awards dinner was just held in Toronto. John Boulton, AzStarnet's managing editor and Rob's boss called me from Toronto where he accepted the winning award on our behalf. Actually we shared the award with "Our Tahoe," an environmentally oriented publication put out by graduate students in the Lake Tahoe area. John will deliver the trophy to our class, hopefully on Wednesday.
Congratulations to all of you! What you did last semester was truly extraordinary and it's nice that outside judges recognized that.
I hope you can find room on your resumes to add the line.
You guys are the best!
Amanda (the other editor-in-chief) and the rest of the staff put in sooo much work last semester. I know I honestly felt like all I ever did was throw energy into that publication. Even though I shouldn't have, I definitely put it ahead of every other class - so it was nice to see that all of that work paid off.
Although, for me, the work was paid off long before this award was even mentioned... because I was always ridiculously proud of what we were able to do in such a short amount of time, with such a small staff (last semester we had less than 10 students running it - myself included.)
To know at the end of a semester that we not only created a really cool site that focused solely on U.S.-Mexico border issues, but the foundation for a class which will be used as a capstone course for every other journalism class to follow, was insanely fulfilling.
Dorky or not, that site was (at times) my (VERY) unwanted child.
But at the end of every day, I knew it was worth the energy.
Award... or no award.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Birthday Group Shot + 1 Employee
I had the best freaking time tonight.
Like I told Elisa on the phone on my way home from Monika's (27th!!!) birthday party at Dave & Busters, "I honestly feel like this is the first time Pittsburgh has felt like the old Pittsburgh to me. Like... I was actually home and fit in again."
You know, it's hard to explain, but Pittsburgh used to have this feel to it when I came home for summers and holidays. But ever since I've (temporarily) moved back here, its felt... Suffocating. Unnatural. Like something was missing.
Sort of how I felt in high school, but worse, because I don't know a) when I am getting out of here or b) where I want/am meant to end up. At least in high school, I always knew I wanted Arizona. But now here I am, back in the 'burgh, not sure of what I want or whats right for me. Here I am back home... and it doesn't feel like home.
At least, that was until tonight when I reunited with my Slavey crew. Suddenly, everything clicked right back into place. I was able to feel like myself and have fun again. And oh, how I've missed those kids.
Even the old 27-year-old ones. :)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
We Can Never Go Back to Before
Had a nice lunch and catch-up session with two of my favorite coworkers from Victor Global, Tanya and Ashley. I haven't seen either of them since my last day of work back in August so it was really, really nice to catch up on all of the work gossip I've missed out on and go back to my favorite lunch-break buffet.
Sadly, La is still out at school in Indiana and (obviously) couldn't join us. But I ate an extra garlic wing in her memory. She would have wanted it that way.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Happy 86th Birthday, Grandma!
As you can probably tell, Grandma had a kick-ass time at her party tonight.
The End.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
(Kari) Can't Decide
"Break of day, the dawn is here, Johnny's up and pacing.
Compromise, or persevere? His mind is racing...
Johnny has no guide; Johnny wants to hide.
Can he make a mark, if he gives up his spark?
Johnny can't decide..."
--tick, tick... BOOM!
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Perfect Monday
Today, J-Lo took me to the Pittsburgh Zoo to (finally!) see the new polar bear exhibit... and of course the giraffes (my favorite!) and the monkeys (his favorite!)
The exciting part of the new exhibit is the tunnel you can walk under as you watch the polar bears swim, play and fight right above you. A couple people I know have been disappointed during their visit to the zoo this summer when they got to the tunnel and saw the polar bears weren't even in the water.
However, we were much, much luckier today with not only the perfect fall weather - but the fact that the polar bears were wrestling/playing right above our heads! It was so fun to watch and I was lucky enough to catch 30 seconds of it on my digital camera. At times, they'd climb out of the water, only to body-slam each other right back in.
Honestly, I cannot even express to you how much I adore zoos, aquariums and exhibits like this. I love that no matter how old we get, these animals are still just as amazing as they were when we were 5.
I also can't express to you just how much fun I had today -- and that fun was not totally founded in just my time with the animals or with our early dinner at my absolute favorite Oakmont Bakery, but mainly in my time with Jon.
If only every Monday could be this great.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Happiest Place on Earth
So, now that I have two of my favorite twins out of town and far away at their own schools for the semester, I now have full access to their parents.
Yes. I know. I'm trying to woo my friends parents away from their children. It's mean, it's dirty, it's sneaky - and I'm okay with that.
I'm okay with it because I know that every Thursday and Sunday night, I have a place to go. And not just any place. The happiest place on earth, to be exact.
Yes, about 45 minutes before Grey's Anatomy starts on Thursdays -- and about the same amount of time before Desperate Housewives/Brothers & Sisters start on Sundays - I head over to spend some quality time with Momma Janita & Poppa Zurch, before I get lost in my favorite television worlds.
We laugh, we cry, we bond.
It's really a great experience.
I may have a hard time sharing them with their children, once Christmas break comes... but for now, I'm going to soak up every moment and just know that even when that time DOES come - I'll still have full access to them again iN January.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Time Well Spent
Tonight, after babysitting the rugrats, I spent some time with Lindy who is lucky enough to attend a college that offers a FALL BREAK in the middle of October. I know I'm not in college anymore and I know I'm not even really currently employed - therefore I don't need a break from anything - but still. I'm jealous.
We headed over to her sister Lauren and brother-in-law Fred's house (who I fondly refer to as the 'Hag & the Hub') and I finally got to meet their perfect pup Marley. I can definitely see why Lindy/Lauren/Fred all adore her... I wanted to secretly kidnap him, but I thought it would hurt Jasmine's feeling so I left Marley behind.
The Hag & the Hub decided to skip out on Eat N Park, so Lindy and I gave Regina a call and met her down there. We were pretty much alone in the place, until the senior citizen's production of Showboat overflowed from our old high school auditorium up the street and into our surrounding booths so we didn't stay too long. There's only so much Eat N Park senior citizen sparkle one can take.
But there never seems to be too much Lindy time :)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tonight, Jen Glasser (one of my FAVORITE Slavey girls EVER) and I went to a haunted house near where I live called Demon House.
Although it was fun (they have this huge mansion completely turned into a haunted house, bon fires, food, games, scary movies, etc), Jen and I really didn't think it was worth the $15 price tag. But! We had fun nonetheless -- the weather outside was that perfect, cold & crisp fall night -- and I just adore the time I spend with her.
Which is good, since I'll be seeing her in a couple weeks for a Halloween/dinner theater thing that she has us signed up for. That should be interesting, to say the least...
After stopping to use the bathroom at Momma Janita's (yes, Matt & Melissa, I'm OBSESSED with your parents) I drove Jen back to her car. Then I headed home and cleaned up for some more Halloween fun.. haha. When you're on a roll, you just keep going, right?
My new best friend, who I will fondly refer to as J-Lo, came over with Silent Hill, which I have never seen. I haven't really watched many scary movies - but it was actually really good! Especially when certain boys (aka J-Lo) happen to jump at random parts of the movie and scare the shit out of you.
You know, I just love all of this fall/Halloween stuff. Its been so long since I've really seen/appreciated fall. And although I definitely miss my endless days of flipflops and palm trees, the coldness does allow me to cuddle up and enjoy the passing of time. The holidays are coming, faster than I can even believe.
And the holidays always make me ridiculously happy -
((and ridiculously sad))
At the exact same time.
Someone to hold you too close,
Someone to hurt you too deep.
Someone to sit in your chair -
And ruin your sleep -
And make you aware of being alive...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Cute, Pretty Kids
I'm feeding my baby/kid addiction again.
A woman who had contacted me a couple weeks ago through the nanny site was desperately trying to find someone to help watch her kids for a couple hours, three days a week. She's younger than me and works at a local Pet's Mart, where as her husband is a policeman for Pittsburgh and works evenings. That afternoon gap is a hard one for her to fill, especially because they don't have much money and its not really logical for her to pay a ton in childcare, when she doesn't make that much at her job.
But I can see where she wants/needs to do something for herself -- where that getting out of the house and working must feel really good for her, especially after being a stay-at-home mom for a few years. And I mean, I love kids -- and what else am I really doing these next couple weeks? She's only about a 15/20 minute drive from me too, so its not that inconvenient.
I told her I couldn't do it past November 5th, when I start the bank teller job, but that I could help and give her a little more time in finding someone. So on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I'm watching Brian (5) and Aaron (2) until their mom gets home from work.
Today was my first day watching them and I must say -- they definitely are a handful. They're boys -- that's for sure -- but they make me laugh. Brian even referred to me as his new girlfriend today - HAHA. So I think they'll definitely add a little excitement to my life for the rest of the month. And I mean, they are good for my self confidence...
Brian: Let's go to my special place, where only me & cute, pretty girls can go.
Me: Ohhhh... am I allowed to come?
Brian: Uh YEAH. You're a cute, pretty girl.
His "special place" by the way, was his swing set.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Killing Two Birds/One Stone
Went down to Oakland tonight to meet with someone about researching, writing and marketing for this new online dating site. I'm starting this week and will probably spend ~10 hours a week reading/writing for them for now as we see how it goes. I will probably have to meet with them once a week down in Oakland or downtown, but most of it I can do from home, which is really nice for me and my schedule, which will be changing soon enough.
I mean, I spend enough time online as it is - might as well get paid for it, right?
Plus, to tell you the truth, I really, really miss writing.
So I feel really good about this.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Unwanted Gifts
My parents, as I'm sure you've realized, have odd taste in decor.
This ostrich egg keeps getting moved around from spot to spot. It's almost like my mom can't decide what to do with it. I'll never forget her opening her "surprise" gift from my dad at Christmas a couple years ago and her staring DUMBFOUNDED at what he had bought her.
Dad: But look! It's an ostrich egg! With a lighthouse on it!
Granted, my mom loves lighthouses/coastal scenes and likes things to decorate the house with. But I never, ever remember her saying anything about having an ostrich egg obsession.
Dad: (disappointed) Well, I thought it was neat.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Here is a job update. Exciting stuff, right?
Its been almost two months since I've been unemployed/since my surgery and I'm going FREAKING INSANE. I have applied to so many places and I've just come to accept I need to find something that will allow me to start saving/paying bills. So drum roll, please...
Bank Teller: With the bank I actually use in Pittsburgh. Not my dream job (HAH) but its better than a lot of other things, I guess. Training doesn't start til Nov. 5th though... which sucks, but what are you going to do? So in the meantime, I was asked to go back to...
Old Navy: I know. I know. I said it was the LAST place I'd go back to, but hopefully I can start working there until the bank teller job starts and I can keep working there two days a week even after the new job does start. I am in DESPERATE need of winter clothes, and I miss my best friend: My Gap Inc. discount.
Nanny: I was considering being a nanny for awhile. I miss playing with MY babies in West Virginia when I'm not there, so I figured it might be a good fit for me to be a nanny for this year. I actually had a really great (LONG) phone interview Sunday, but in the end, I know I can't and shouldn't be someone's nanny right now. Especially for someone like the onces I interviewed with. Kids need someone more permanent - someone who knows shes going to be around longer than I am planning on being around. Yes, I'd have probably liked the job way more than the bank teller... but I can't allow myself to be in a position right now where I'd probably fall in love with kids (and we all KNOW they'd fall in love with ME!) when I don't know where I'll be six, seven, eight months from now.
Other: There's a marketing/writing job I'm hoping I get that I can do on the side as well. We'll see. Also, theres a position open for the P.M. Edition of one of our city's papers that I'd REALLY, REALLY like to get. I'm going to do my best in applying for it.. and just hope everything works out as its meant to.
At least, thats what I keep telling myself.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
When Autumn Comes
When autumn comes, it doesn't ask.
It just walks in, where it left you last.
And you never know, when it starts,
Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart.
Something's missing,
And I don't know how to fix it.
Something's missing....
And I don't know what it is at all.
--john mayer
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Welcome to the Valley
Hung out with Regina some tonight at her house and then we ran an errand to Wal-Mart around midnight, because we are just that cool.
Apparently not as cool as some.
Yes. That would be a limo.
Dropping off people at Wal-Mart.
Welcome to Pennsylvania, kids.
Friday, October 5, 2007
The Waiting Game
How is it ONE phone can cause so much drama in just one week?
First I left the freaking thing behind at a friend's house, then the hole where you plug in the charger decides to no longer recognize charging. So my phone was officially dead. Lovely.
Which means I spent two days waiting for my new one to arrive in the mail from my insurance plan.
All day today was spent waiting for DHL to bring the thing to the house. A signature was required for delivery, so I got up around 8 and spent the entire day in the house waiting for it to arrive.
Time of arrival? 5:45 PM.
Thanks, DHL. Thanks.
Cell phone, I hate you.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
If the plane goes down, damn...
I was driving home from the Zurenskis (where I had been bonding with Matt & Melissa's parents as usual) when a car tried to come flying pass me on 837.
Apparently they didn't see the double-yellow lines signaling a no passing area.
Or the car in the other lane.
I swerved to get as far over as I could, just as the other car swerved to their right. There was just nowhere for us to go between the guardrail and hillside.
I didn't see the crash, but I heard it. And what I saw when I turned around - a Pontiac SUV completely flipped on its side and shoved against the hillside. I couldn't tell if it had hit the other car yet, but apparently it wrecked trying to avoid the other car.
The driver (some asshole my age) totally walked away from the accident fine. Even though he a) didn't have his seatbelt on and b) was thrown against his windshield. Yet he was more pissed than anything... when honestly, he should have been thankful to be alive.
So then the asshole tried to get me to lie to the police about why he wrecked. And then HE started lying even when the police finally got there....
Nope. Sorry buddy. You could have EASILY killed someone... coincidently enough that car in the other lane happened to be two friends of his. Yet he still wasn't acting at ALL remorseful... though after his parents showed up at the scene, I'm pretty sure they are going to make sure he feels nothing BUT remorse. I couldn't imagine almost killing someone like that and not even trying to act a bit bothered by it... let alone if I saw they were FRIENDS of mine!
I ended up being there for over and hour and a half. I definitely didn't want to leave - considering I was the only one there who wasn't going to bullshit. Plus, I was the one who called 911 and had already told them I had seen what happened so it would seem weird if I suddenly took off without leaving any statement.
Though, its nice to know that in one way or another, justice is ALWAYS served.
A car slowed down next to the scene after it happened.
The cop told the lady to move along... only...
Woman in car (stone-cold voice): Oh I'm his mother
(Asshole's cell starts ringing)
He probably wished he had been taken away on a stretcher earlier.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
See, We're Laughing...
Tonight, I hung out with Aaron's family before I helped keep him company/move some of his stuff back into his bedroom.
His family has been trying to sell their house, so he had repainted his walls in hopes of making it look fresher. We were going through a lot of his things - photos from high school, posters he doesn't want to keep but doesn't want to throw away - and its funny to see how things which used to be important to him just a few years ago, no longer are.
In fact, I remember when he was getting ready to go on his mission two and a half years ago - he was saying how he wouldn't ever live back in his parents house again. But yet, here we both are, back in our parents' houses waiting on whatever comes next and both trying to figure out our lives.
It's nice to have someone to go through this with though.
"See, we're laughing,
I think we're gonna be okay...."
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Caution: Living Life
Some days are just too ridiculously fun & unexpected to describe.
Until something happens that makes them incredibly not fun.
But for the most part, you try to forget the not-fun part and focus on the good. It's how we get through the day. Its how we meet new people and embrace new situations. Its how we grow and become the people we are meant to be. Sure we stumble, but as long as we just keep singing and embracing life - who knows where we might end up.
I find that, as long as I'm able to get in my car at the end of the day - & still keep singing - I know I'm okay. Besides - that's what Kelly Clarkson is for. Duets.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Missed Deadlines
The end of my journalism bio from senior year on the website I spent my entire last semester working on:
"Kari is also getting her minor in theater arts and hopes to move to New York City or Chicago after graduation. Or at least, not be living with her parents any longer than October 1, 2007."
Well. It's October 1st.
In case you need some clarification, that would be my parents' house in Finleyville, PA. I am trying to hold on to the belief that there is a reason I am meant to be here right now... and that (hopefully) some point in my life I'll be able to look back on this confusing time and say,
"Ah, so THAT'S why it took so long to leave."